Mission Replay v8

I'm thinking about removing the forced wardrobe changes on replay for all of the missions. This would mean that you could wear whatever clothing you wanted for Good Heists Gone Bad, Gangstas in Space, etc. instead of being forced into an outfit like the space suit or the big Gat head costume. This would be only for replays. Playing the mission originally would still force the correct outfits. Thoughts?
Hey, just wanted to say, you're absolutely awesome for making this. I was shattered when I found this feature had been removed- it boosted the reply value of SR2 no end. Great work!

One bug though, and I'm assuming it's this; I can't buy clothing. I tried both Nobody Loves Me and Let's Pretend after Stag Party and Party Time respectively, and both time the game would freeze after pressing "E" to shop. A cursor would appear and was movable, but otherwise it would hang.

I briefly tried the "New Clothing For Sale" mod, but removed it after the first time, assuming it was causing the conflict. However the issue was still present with the mod files removed.
...having just reviewed the last few pages of the thread, I'll now try the other version of this mod from the compilation. Sorry!

Again, you're great for doing this, cheers
Just a quick note that I was able to get garage restrictions removed during missions for the crib menus so you can take out your personal vehicles while playing any mission. I'm still working on getting the on foot triggers to appear though for things like the boat dock and airport hangar. I should have more news to share soon.

I bundled it with the latest GoS prerelease build if anyone wants to check it out:
I have a problem with this
whenever i try to start a menu in-game, it freezes and i cant do anything
please hlp i want to replay missions but i cant start the cellphone menu :confused:
That's because the new patch on Steam broke all scripting mods. Use the latest Gentlemen of Steelport release which has all of them updated to work correctly. GoS is completely modular so you select only the mods you want to build, like mission replay.
That's a known issue and documented in the readme. Some missions just plain won't work on some saves. It seems to be mostly ones where the mod was installed after the mission was completed in vanilla. It seems to work best for most people if they have the mod installed from the start of a new save for some reason.

I'm going to assume that you're using the latest Mission Replay mod bundled with the latest Gentlemen of Steelport, right? This older version will have issues and has not been updated yet.