Mission Replay v8

Also, in the GoS forum page I saw something about an NPC Morph. By the name I can assume you are allowed to turn into Non-Player Characters? If so, I'd like to download this mod separately from GoS. Thank you.

No such thing exists. It did in sr2 and I was hoping to enable it in SRTT, but alas.
Now u needa make it the replay for teh trouble with clones, because it rocks as fuck!

It already resets after you complete mission 3 and you can replay just like Gangstas in Space.

Still, I will be adding replay functionality for them in the next release so you can redo them out of order at any time.
It already resets after you complete mission 3 and you can replay just like Gangstas in Space.

Still, I will be adding replay functionality for them in the next release so you can redo them out of order at any time.

Hmmm mine never reset after playing mission 3, I just get the 'load a previous save' message.
Hmmm mine never reset after playing mission 3, I just get the 'load a previous save' message.

The wording on that is a little confusing. What they mean is that once you save your game after beating TWC, load that saved game and you can replay the missions again.
Okay, just got an issue with either this mod, or the avatar rampage mod. For some reason, when I try to call up a mission that follows the main story that I have yet to complete, nothing happens, and when I try to bring up my PDA or pause menu, the game locks-up, and crashes. Is this a known bug?
Yes, it will do that if the asm file isn't updated correctly and/or if you have other scripting mods installed. Just use the Gentlemen of Steelport compilation that includes both mission replay and avatar rampage as an optional mod in advanced mode. It will build your asm files dynamically based on what options you choose and is the easiest way to get mods working together correctly. You can grab the latest version from the downloads section of my site:

It's also completely modular and gives you control over every individual mod that's part of the package in advanced mode so you can configure it however you want.
this mod doesn't work for me...i copied and pasted everyhting into the main folder,no other mods have that extension.when the game runs, for starters the hud disappear,and when i press TAP for the pda to choose the missions,the game just freeze

EDIT: i have installed the gentlemen steelport mod,and the modoflder is sr3_city_0,with the mission_:replay folder on it,but it doesn' work anyway

EDIT 2 :tried removing GOS,removin g all the files from mission replay again,and discovered that the game hangs up as long as cell_mission,vint pacth and cell menu .asm files(or one of them9are in the root folders.removing them made the game working again,but i can0t select any missions from the cell phone main menu.as i stated before,i don't have ANY mods that have the .asm extension in my folder