I released a mini version to quench everyone's thirst for SR2 content, whiles the new patch is being worked on. I am working on a better version but I'll wait for the patch to begin work.

  • Added vanilla taunts and compliments
  • added vanilla main menu
  • added bloody 44. sheppard skin
  • added saints pimp slap skin
  • added SR1 Aisha outfit
  • added undergrond main menu radio
  • added 420 reggae main menu radio
  • added Klassic fm main menu radio
  • added Funk radio main menu radio
  • added easy radio main menu radio
  • added commercial main menu radio
Also, could a mod move this thread to the 'Compilations' section please, thanks!
Do the new radios on the main menu have all the songs from those stations or just a few?
Do the new radios on the main menu have all the songs from those stations or just a few?
Most of them. There were way to many commercials so I chose my personal favourites, some I couldn't squeeze in because I had technical difficulties or because I wasn't motivated to spend any longer tinkering with the music files lol. Maybe in the next version (more info on the nebulous future when the patch is released) I'll revise the menu music mods.
  • Added SR1 weapon sprint animations
  • Added customizable Saints HQ
  • Added unmarked cop cars
  • Added Christmas theme
  • Added Minimaul theme
  • Added SR2 Special Edition main menu logo
  • Added Top Down GTA1-style camera
  • Integrated Singa's AS12 Riot sound + Mac-10 clip mods
  • Re-added AR249 Machine Gun and Grenade Launcher (replaces chainsaw launcher)
  • Fixed GOTR weapon names and HUD icons
  • Added photo mode camera mod (replaces vehicle camera)
  • Added Vehicle tire screech SFX remover
  • Added new vehicle: Flying car "BLADE-SPINNER 2077" -replaces O-yeah
  • Added 9 new weapon skins
    Aluminium Bat skin, Black GDHC skin, Crimson Minigun skin, God of War Machete Blade skin, Gold and Purple AS12 Riot skin, Katana Lightsaber skin, Kebab Katana skin, Purple and Gold Minigun skin (Johnny Gat-ling Gun), Purple Pimpcane skin
Hi I really like the mod especially the flying car, but I have a problem, the mod comes with the radios the rock and the faction, but only the latter appears and its audio is that of the underground fm
Hi I really like the mod especially the flying car, but I have a problem, the mod comes with the radios the rock and the faction, but only the latter appears and its audio is that of the underground fm
You have to complete the main story to unlock The Rock. Also, The Faction is Underground without range. And I'm not uploading licensed music.