NPC Behaviour and Spawn Mod

Is there a way to disable enemies throwing suppression grenades? I usually roam around steelport with my superpowers turned off so the supression grenades are kinda useless.

Nvm figure it out :)
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Any way to disable those super assholes and bring only rarer Professor Genki spawns back ? Those random bastards, not mission objective npcs, keep on coming during missions with powers disabled and even with abilities unlocked fighting notoriety + mission objective + them is really frustrating...
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Hi, I used this mod like 5 years ago, it work perfect, now I just re download the game but now it become re elected version and this mod make game crash when start, someone can make this mod work for the latest game version please help me
Re-Elected isn't mod friendly
I have a purple question mark as a mini "boss"... is this my nemesis? (a character who has the same skin as me?) is this my evil doppelgängers? if this is not the case? where to find my "evil doppelgängers"?


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