NPC behaviour and spawn mod

Started a new character and there a couple of issues with this mod. Mission 1 is missing the npc that Shaundi beats up at the top of the stairwell. She only fights thin air. Some Morningstar security and riot shield npcs are replaced by ninja. Mission 3 has at least 25% of the STAG guys armed with rocket launchers which is a pain, as well as giving the player it way too early. Also, some of the future unlocks are being carried by gang members in the open world like the Decker grunts having the neon blue smg by default. I also mentioned in chat about some of the late game vehicle unlocks being driven around too which is problematic.

I was hoping to include this as a core mod for GoS, but it really needs to work for a brand new player as well for that to happen. I'm not sure if that's something you actually care about either. It may just be something that inherently should be used post story completion.

The Brute in the Steelport Here I am mission didn't do his scripted events like flipping the car. He tried to grab a baseball bat dropped by an npc then just stood there with one of his arms intersecting through his body.
Thanks for pointing those out. I've fixed the issue with brutes picking up melee weapons, ninjas spawning in mission 1, as well as reduced the amount of STAG troops with rockets, and the number of Deckers with the cyber SMGs. The other stuff will be fixed in another update in the coming days.

As for the unlocks, I really don't want to remove those from the mod as I love the diversity they add to the game world. Maybe I'll just make a separate gimped version for first plays without the unlocks spawning in the open world.
Fix that annoying rocket launcher problem yet where gang members spawn with them at level 1 notoriety?
Okay, one final update, for real this time. I'm serious. I've gotta stop updating this so GoS can finally get finished. Thankfully, I don't think there's anything else that needs changing. This final update further refines gang spawning: each gang now uses different types of brutes. Luchas will usually spawn melee brutes, deckers seldom use brutes and instead spawn APCs full of cyber deckers at level 5 notoriety. Morningstar usually spawns minigun or flamethrower brutes. I also tweaked the gang weapons again- they should use less powerful weapons now at lower levels, to make things a little easier.
Hi shitface, I think you may want to check out your notoriety. xtbl file. I noticed that the last gang op in the mission " Takeover the City " only got to two stars when it usually makes it to three. I'm guessing it's because you've lowered gang kill from five to four stars. If I'm wrong and it's totally scripted, then I'm talking out of my arse which I have been known to do on rare occassions. Okay, maybe not so rare.