Past Gangs Spawning Mod

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Miki please i want more STAG team pvp,Can we slow down some military and put more stag just i want more fight with stag :)
I've made changes enough to the 3 main versions,
If you want less SNG, open notoriety_spawn.xtbl with your favorite text editor, and manually change notoriety entries.
Just an FYI, the newest patch modifies spawn_info_ranks.xtbl. Not sure if it actually breaks the game, but I'm gonna play it safe and uninstall anyway.
Was going to update the mod with the new spawn_info_ranks.xtbl. I don't want my mods to have a chance to break the game.
EDIT: I see the M14 grunts are now weaker hitpoints decrease from 1400 to 600, is it a big deal for everyone if I keep the hitpoints the way they are now?
honestly, I wouldn't mind if it was left alone, since I always found it weird that they could take a pistol shot to the face and just shrug it off while the cops die like you'd expect them to.
Alright, no bullet sponges then.
EDIT: I see NG rank 3 with 70% chance for police pistol. NG should have rifles and shotguns, and little chance on pistols. So I'll tweak that too.
EDIT2: I hope it'll be possible to make some tweaks for the spawn_info_ranks.xtbl file containing hitpoints and weapon loadout per act. I.E. in act 1 most enemie grunts only have pistol/smg/melee and 450 hitpoints, and in act 3 mostly rifle/shotgun/explosive/special with 1250+ hitpoints.
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OP is updated with the new spawn_info_ranks.xtbl file with some tweaks on it.
So are skintone balloon people and monkey-tigers normal? Think I may have fucked up somewhere...
2013-10-22_00002.jpg 2013-10-22_00003.jpg
The skinballs are (maybe they spawn too much, needs some tweaking yet), and the tigers just don't have the right animations loaded I suppose...
EDIT: Tweaked it, they should spawn less, still have to take care of the tiger animations though. Erased a lot of spawn entries. From those npcs. Don't look up weird if you see deckers, unarmed, or ronin cars, I've added them.
NEW: Main Files folder, for the people that want to change things to their own tastes!
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