Permanent Bookmarks

Hi guys,

Been lurking these forums for a while now, awesome job on all the mods!

When I was playing SR:TT earlier, there were a few areas not marked by the map (like shops, cribs etc.) so I bookmarked it, although as you know the bookmarks disappear after quitting the game.

Is it possible to create permanent bookmarks? Or is this feature hard coded and un-editable?

Also: I'm trying to increase the density of vehicle and pedestrian spawns. I found some density settings in spawn_info_categories but changing any values doesn't seem to make a difference in my eyes. Any help is greatly appreciated.
All shops and cribs show up on the map once you've discovered them, unless you are purposefully filtering them off...

Make sure you do not have any filters turned on.
The locations were not shops or cribs. They were simply just places I took an interest in that had no marker associated to them.

Apologies I worded the question a bit weirdly.
Oh, I see what you meant... Places that are not marked on the map like shops and cribs, etc are....
Things like the bar you meet Peirce at in the endgame mission "Stag Party", is an example. It has no map marker, but is a point of interest since the building has an interior for exploration.
Ah yes.. the Broken Shillelagh or Jack's whatever it's called that you meet Kinzie in...
Thats the one! I'm not sure what table needs to be modified to enable a permanent bookmark. I've got a bad feeling it's coded into the .exe or something
You could edit the map texture and add them. It's what I did with GotR for SR2 to note the mall and some of the islands.
You could edit the map texture and add them. It's what I did with GotR for SR2 to note the mall and some of the islands.
That's actually a really great Idea.. you could also do the same to mark-up the locations of the Jumps and the Barnstorms, however that might get kind of cluttered.
edit the map texture

Agreed, great idea. Which archive can I find the map texture in? Once I've edited the map texture I'll upload it here so other people can find these "Places of intrest"