Play as Giant Zinyak Mech

I believe this mod is pre-patch (or at least the weapons.xtbl file is) because it resets all my weapon upgrades with every game load. Any chance on an update?
Is it safe to use?
Because the other mech mod made a reset to my weapon upgrades.
Besides: looks hella sweet!
Just in the benefit of the doubt, there was that faulty update that screwed up pretty much everyone's weapons and upgrades, so it may have been the update rather than the other mech mod.
This mod made the game forget my weapon upgrades, so I had to delete it D: It was fun while it lasted though.
I'm sure if this has been mentioned or not, but just installed the latest version of this and (I love it, BTW) I noticed that you can jump straight up through the red ceiling. If you stay on the jump it will go high enough that the game will crash. By then the city is super tiny lol
By the way, it also messes up my notoriety levels, they stay two levels before the warden spawn, so wardens never spawn!
This sounds promising but alas, it crashes my brother in co-op when he joins to see me. Not sure why, as it seems others have got it working for two players?
Ah! Didn't know that could be a dependency, thanks Corrodias.

UPDATE: Confirmed it works when my bro and I both have the mod installed.

Funny side effect to be able to call "DJ Veteran Childs" and see ALL the core homies come in a short bus! They can take out a Warden pretty quickly with their car-tossing antics.
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Ah! Didn't know that could be a dependency, thanks Corrodias.

UPDATE: Confirmed it works when my bro and I both have the mod installed.

Funny side effect to be able to call "DJ Veteran Childs" and see ALL the core homies come in a short bus! They can take out a Warden pretty quickly with their car-tossing antics.
Thats just somthing the person who made the mod put toghter in the homies table, I rember seeing it one time when I was looking through some tabels im guessing it must have been one with this mod :)