Post your best screens

Nice screenshots guys; I actually enjoy taking screenshots and then editing them afterwards - have a look at my most recent one! :)

I hope I can upload SR2 screens as well? I got some fun ones.

[Ava] "Are you guys.. really playing with a doll house..? What. The. Fuck...?"

[Ava] "What do you mean, Chuck Norris..? I AM TOUGHER THEN CHUCK NORRIS, YOU LITTLE BITCH!" *Tries to get through your screen.*

"Yes yes.. It's me. Yeah.. No, no autographs.. I said no! Hey! I'm that dude from Die Hard! Yippee-Ka-Yay, muther fucker! So back the hell off... Autographs.. Pssh."

[Ava] "Why do I get the feeling I forgot something.. The gas? No.. er.. Did I leave on the light? Damn, I always leave on the light. I don't give a damn about the damn light.. So what did I forget..? Shit, kinda chilly today...."
the dude in that hummer wants some'o that! lol awesome work ava, and is that mr.willis the king of crazy stunts? I have yet to have a chopper in the right position to try and take it out with a crown victoria....