Problem With Gibbed Tools

Does it mess with anything if I rename the gibbed tools from .7z to .rar
I don't understand what logic even begins to approach making this a sane thing to do.

It's a .7z file because it's a 7-zip archive. It's not a RAR archive, so it should never be renamed to a .rar file.
So, to edit and apply the changes to the game, do I go into note pad with one of those xtbls, edit whatever I need edited, then cut/copy and past that edited xtbl into the root folder?
I don't understand what logic even begins to approach making this a sane thing to do.

It's a .7z file because it's a 7-zip archive. It's not a RAR archive, so it should never be renamed to a .rar file.
Well apparetly it still works. the reason I did that is because whenever I double click a 7zip archive , It loads and loads and loads and slows my system and keeps going until I delete the file I clicked on.