Problem With Gibbed Tools

I unpacked the gibbed tools in a folder that I call "modding" in the SR3 root. I copied a .vpp_pc file from /packfiles/pc/cache to /modding and then I dragged the copy onto the Gibbed.SaintsRow3.UnpackVPP.exe. A black CMD window appear for half a second and then disappear with no visible result. I cannot find the folder that is supposed to have been created.

EDIT: My operating system is Windows XP SP3.

EDIT2: Thanks to Minimaul I found that the files were extracted to C:\Documents and Settings\[my name]\[filename] instead of [current directory]\[filename].

EDIT3: With help of Minimaul and Google I managed to modify Minimaul's batch file to compensate for this short coming in my computer.
If you have the same problem as me then putting this batch file in the same folder as the Gibbed tools and using it instead of the EXE-file will solve it:

@"%~dp0\Gibbed.SaintsRow3.UnpackVPP.exe" -v %1 "%~dp1/%~n1"
@echo Finished.