Requested by:
o.j saint
This modification will add Marvel's Dare Devil 2016 Punisher Logo (Season 2) onto the following clothing:
-"Mighty Vest" (Let's Pretend) -Male only
-"Subterfuge" (Nobody Loves Me) -Male only
1. Extract archive
2. Move files to:
......Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row the Third
3. Launch SRTT and go shopping as a male player character.
4. Look for the following:
-"Mighty Vest" (Let's Pretend)
-"Subterfuge" (Nobody Loves Me)
-To Minimaul and Scanti for the tools
-To Gameqube for the ASM_Updater
-To VIPER VENOM for writing an awesome tutorial