Rare Vehicle Cheats (includes Additional Cheats) v5

One question do you have to have version 5 or v5 I think thats what it means?

I really don't understand your question. v5 is version 5 of the mod. This is the latest release. There are 2 flavors though. One that disables cheat flagging of your save (open version) and one that does not (standard.)
You extract the archive and read the install instructions included with it, just like every other mod on this site.
But Idol.. Reading are diffikult..
well i got a problem i found it but every time i extract it errors

Make sure you are using either winrar or 7zip to extract it. Other archival software like winzip will not work correctly.

Also, please review our forum rules; specifically this one:
Forum Rules said:
DO make an effort to use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation to the best of your ability. We understand that some of our user base has English as a second language, but at least try and make an effort; this means capitalizing the first letter of sentences, using punctuation, not substituting numbers instead of letters (2 instead of too,) not posting in all lower or upper case, etc.
i've got a couple of questions,
1. can you get vac banned for using this?
2. is "cheat flag" the mark on your cheated saves?
3. is it 100% safe that i wont get vac banned?
1. No
2. Yes
3. Yes