Realism mod

Good news is that I found a highly potential fix for this CTD but the bad news is that I cannot test it myself to see if it really works.I'm going to upload in a few minutes the fix here and someone leave a feedback if everything is ok.(steam deleted all my games for some reason).


I was having the same problem as snickelb. That patch works but for some reason cant get past the 1st part of the mission. Just wanted to warn you that that could be a problem for others. I just reinstalled it beat the mission with out your mod and the added you mod back on so im good.

Great mod by the way.
I have to admit, I only tested the patch_uncompressed.vpp_pc to see if the mission would start, not if it would complete. Since steam somehow lost my save games I'm using the saved game I uploaded so that I don't have to start from scratch.

If what xQd uploaded didn't work for you try the two files I put in post 151. Put them into ..\SteamApps\common\Saints Row tfohe Third, where the executable files are. This would make those two files take precedence over the ones in the patch. I didn't alter anything in them, I just removed them from the patch_uncompressed.vpp_pc (the one in post 1, not post 153) and used the gibbed tools to repackage them. Sort of like re-zipping files. It worked for me before xQd came up with his alternative.

One of these days I'll re-try the Belgian Problem and see if it goes all the way through for me using xQd's fix. I've just been busy with other stuff, and when I play the game I've been focussing on completing other activities so as to gain as much control of the city as possible.
One down side to what I did was it unlocked all the DLC wepons in my crib stash so I just wasted the money I would of spent on them on gatling gun rounds till I was evened up.

Also for those having trouble with the first tank mayhem mission, for some crazy reason the storyline one is very hard ( I think I finished it with 10 sec left) but the rest of them are quite easy so at least try them. ( I think I finished even the hard ones with 90 to 120 seconds left.

Finally, xQd, http://deckers.die mission is insanely hard even if you turn the difficulty down to easy. The portion where you fight 2 to 3 decker specialists at once while dealing with lag is, imo, way to hard. I don't know maybe I just didn't upgrade enough or suck with that gun but I couldn't do it
I find the Tank Mayhem Easy to be medium, medium is easy, and hard is, well, hard. All those rocket launchers, a Stag tank, regular tanks, humvees, and attack choppers... I still haven't completed it, but I came close, and generally have fun trying.

But it's nothing compared to the hard trafficking. I die within 30 seconds everytime, and my gang vehicle explodes. Maybe I just had the new ambushes spawning alongside the mission ones, I don't know. I just decided to put it off until I could upgrade my pistols and character to hopefully give me a shot.

I haven't gotten to the deckers.die mission, though. I despised that and the kinzie trail-blazing missions when I played the vanilla game, so I dread doing them again.
Hey, no complaints here. The only issue I had was that I couldn't call in on the Belgian mission. A simple update of the asm file fixed it and I've been playing the rest ever-since.
I love your mod as it adds more challenge to the game, and I'm trying to play through the game with your mod on. I have a bit trouble with the tank mayhem mission though, as I simply don't have enough time to score 425.000 points, the highest up I've gotten so far is around 280.000. Can you give me some tips, or tell me how to lower the required score?

Never mind, I somehow managed to beat it, but it sure was tough.

I'm having problems with that one myself and since it's Pierce's mission I can't advance the story any at this point.
If you hadn't said you did it I would say it's impossible, I can't barely reach 300k
I'm having problems with that one myself and since it's Pierce's mission I can't advance the story any at this point.
If you hadn't said you did it I would say it's impossible, I can't barely reach 300k
Never stop firing.
Shoot EVERYTHING (including the newspaper vending boxes, trash, and light poles. You're trying to keep your combo going).
Go after the highlighted targets.