Realistic Gun Mod for SR3

Does this mod apply to the weapons enemies have as well?
Some changes in weapons.xtbl may apply to NPCs, such as: animation, blood decal, damage, clip size, or re-fire delay. Thus, there is most likely some changes to NPC weapon behavior. Pretty fun stuff. If you set the clip size to '1,' the player and the enemy would reload their weapons every shot.
Don't listen to me, I'm an idiot! Listen to MLVNRT.

I thought so as this is the case for at least several Skyrim mods as npcs in an unmodded game draw from the same resource pool/file as the player. But its also possible for some games that items used by npcs have different attributes than when used by a player (such as the weapon having an unlisted damage bonus vs the PC), having a different version of an item for both npcs and the player (two total), or by having a separate file that is only able to used by npcs and has npcs restricted to using that file ether by modding or game design, but the first method is the least code intensive, and the third is the most code intensive.