My first mod! It does just what the title says it does. It tweaks several weapons to be more like their real life counter-parts.
Changes Made:
- Realistic bullet count in magazine, even when fully upgraded
- Always has 3 round burst
M2 Grenade Launcher:
- Realistic grenade count
- Grenade always instantly explode when hitting anything
K8 Krukov:
- Realistic bullet count in magazine, even when fully upgraded
- Last upgrade makes the magazine size 100 rounds instead of 120
AS3 Ultimax:
- Realistic bullet count in magazine
D4TH Blossom:
- Realistic bullet count in magazine
- Removed armor piercing effect
TEK Z-10:
- Realistic bullet count in magazine
- Removed incendiary bullet effect
.45 Shepherd:
- Removed explosive bullet effect
KA-1 Kobra:
- Realistic bullet count in magazine
(Only at lvl 1)*
- Removed armor piercing effect
- Fixed KA-1 Kobra magazine not working past level 1
Changed both SMG magazines to their real-life counter parts
- No more scoping in with McManus 2015 or AR-55 (it was pointless in my opinion, I will revert the McManus 2015 back if requested enough)
- AR-55 is really fast semi-auto
- McManus 2015 can zoom (middle mouse forward/up)
- KA-1 Kobra is really fast semi-auto
V3.5 (Bug Fix Update):
- FIXED Sniper not zooming
- FIXED Shotgun instantly exploding cars when shooting at them
- FIXED Armor Piercing and Tank Damaging Bullets to Sniper Rifle Level 4
- FIXED Police Shotguns Damage
- ADDED Alt K8 Krukov - A 30 round variant of the lvl 4 Gang Rifle. It uses the dual mag from the lvl 2 upgrade. It is completely optional to install
- Researched the two sub-machine guns, magazines now have realistic bullet count
- ADDED K8 Krukov - Chain SAW variant, the closest thing I could get to the Call of Duty: Ghosts Chain SAW
- Made most of the firearms have the same stats as their lvl4 counter-part. That way, all the guns preform the same from lvl1 all the way to lvl4. Now you are essentially buying parts/modifications for your gun. Neat, huh?
- Upgrading the Grenade Launcher is useless. Unless you're like me and it just makes you feel better to have it at lvl4. The RPG is the same until lvl4, then it becomes laser guided.
- Prices reduced A LOT because again, your buying parts and modifications.
- Shotgun is now single shot, so no more full-auto pump shotguns.
- I realized the Chain SAW variant had 80 rounds in its mag instead of 50. It has been fixed.
Now you can have the gun you want while at the same time preforming at the top of its game. Most of the time. There are going to be some obvious advantages at lvl4 with some weapons, like the K8-Krukov or RPG, but with others, it's your choice.
My Saints Row 2 mod is here:
Issue Solved! Thanks to
Unpopular Asian Guy! I will leave the post up for future reference for myself: