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This tag is not attached to the bone, but it works

Very strangeo_O

Don't mind my model:D
Oh, I hope there is a better way:rolleyes:
Don't think so, SR4 weapon pack from developers has 2.54 scale on every weapon. Before I found this I multiplied every tag position on 2.54 to get right position in the game. Sadly but SR4 asset creation pipeline is a mess.
So... it will be very troublesome
Not so much if you use non SDK weapon pack pipline is more simple
>scale root_bone to 1
>replace mesh with yours
>change position of tags to fit your weapon
>skin weapon to the bones
>scale root_bone to 2.54 and export

Without rigx button on in SDK, or without skinning your weapon will use old rig with old position of tags.