requesting no cellphone cool down & cellphone never disabled

homies never bussy be nice to

title says it all

requesting no cellphone cool down & cellphone never disabled

for instance when i call a vehicle and that vehicle gets killed real i need to be able to call for another vehicle also it be nice to have a mod that fixes my greyed out tank and heli they been greyed out for ever
Re: requesting no cellphone cool down & cellphone never disa

I second this request. I'm also wondering if it would be possible have a mod where we could re-use the city takeover ability in the upgrades menu. There are some missions that are too much of a pain to complete.
Re: requesting no cellphone cool down & cellphone never disa

I'm already working on this. I've gotten everything working up to the point where it disables the lockout and lets you make the call. The problem is that the homies continue to respond BUSY and don't arrive. I'm thinking there's some kind of homie table behind the scenes that is tracking their states.
Someone on SA found a fix for the homie cooldown that involved using a hex editor to edit your save file:

I have not personally tried this fix yet since my homies are okay.

Daryl Surat said:
Until a patch comes out that properly prevents this from happening, here is my current fix/workaround for the problem I previously posted, in which my Vehicle Delivery homie option on the phone would become permanently unavailable, even if I'd quit the game and reload. I didn't figure out any of this. Some random user on the official Saints Row 3 community message board worked this thing out pretty much by himself. You'd think they'd have Volition support people reading that thing considering there are dedicated sections for technical issues, but no. Anyway.

First up, get a hex editor. I used one called HxD. Next, find your savegame files. They're stored in a strange spot within your Steam folder: \userdata\[your Steam ID number]\55230\remote. The savegame names will start with "sr3save_00.sr3s_pc" and increment from there. Make backup copies of these just to be safe. I didn't need to revert back, but you want a safety net in case things don't work.

Open your save in the hex editor. Now goto offset 4330 in hexadecimal. It'll look something like this:

Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
00004330  01 00 00 00 44 05 EE 36 05 00 00 00 41 0E 85 B7 
00004340  01 00 00 00 A7 D8 22 B6 08 00 00 00 A8 41 41 84 
00004350  01 00 00 00 BF 38 27 BE 00 00 00 00 F9 B1 BD 6E 
00004360  00 00 00 00 7A F8 D1 C2 00 00 00 00 2A C2 69 FD 
00004370  00 00 00 00 7A 4F 2A 9E 00 00 00 00 08 BE D4 E9 
00004380  01 00 00 00 6C 6B B4 70 00 00 00 00 25 58 6B 50 
00004390  00 00 00 00 B5 71 B7 9F 00 00 00 00 B9 E7 8A 86 
000043A0  00 00 00 00 25 68 56 8C 00 00 00 00 70 2B A8 4D 
000043B0  06 00 00 00 D7 65 CD BB 00 00 00 00 06 4E 2E 8D 
000043C0  00 00 00 00 EA 13 14 11 00 00 00 00 D9 22 48 26 
000043D0  00 00 00 00 4A E7 16 FE 06 00 00 00 49 10 FF B7 
000043E0  00 00 00 00 DE BC C0 7E 00 00 00 00 B3 05 D4 C0

We are only going to look at the contents of two columns: 00 and 08.

The different values correspond to different statuses of the phone entries, with each offset row presumably representing a specific homie. For the sake of this fix, all that matters is that "01" means "is listed on your phone and not greyed out." Whether they'd be busy or not is another matter, presumably controlled by where you are in the story.

00 means "not being displayed at all" which would be the case if you didn't unlock something yet. I opted to just leave those untouched. Whether changing them to 01 would unlock things early is not something I care to delve into. Other numbers presumably refer to cooldown timers. From what I gather, once you call a homie, it sets the status value to 06, greys itself out and then counts back down to 01 at which point you can call them again. For whatever reason, it seems there are occasions where values greater than 06 get put in these fields, which amount to them just being grayed out forever even if you reload.

Solution? As long as there was a value other than "00" in either column 00 or 08 that was greater than "06", I changed it to a "01". In the case of my savegame listed above, there was only one single such value: the 08 over there in 4340 offset column 8. I saved the changes, loaded the game, and presto: I could once again have my Manapult delivered right to me for those times when I needed to quickly get on top of a building to collect drug pallets.

No idea if the problem will reoccur, but that's how I fixed it. Looks like nobody else was having that problem here anyway!
It's good advice. I independently came up with the same solution, which has helped a few people on the PC Troubleshooting forum. Seems to work well.

There's a separate, potential problem that may or may not exist, wherein certain homies are always BUSY, but i have yet to verify whether it actually happens. I just finished the mission "Three Way" and the missions that come after it, and Pierce, Shaundi, and the others who were involved in the mission always come up as "busy" when i ring them. However, i haven't played much after that yet, so i have yet to see if they'll naturally recover.

If they do not, i suspect it's because they're marked as unavailable in the homies.xtbl file when you're on mission 22, which is what Three Way is, and Three Way is replayable after the ending, so in a sense, i'm still on that mission.
It's good advice. I independently came up with the same solution, which has helped a few people on the PC Troubleshooting forum. Seems to work well.

There's a separate, potential problem that may or may not exist, wherein certain homies are always BUSY, but i have yet to verify whether it actually happens. I just finished the mission "Three Way" and the missions that come after it, and Pierce, Shaundi, and the others who were involved in the mission always come up as "busy" when i ring them. However, i haven't played much after that yet, so i have yet to see if they'll naturally recover.

If they do not, i suspect it's because they're marked as unavailable in the homies.xtbl file when you're on mission 22, which is what Three Way is, and Three Way is replayable after the ending, so in a sense, i'm still on that mission.
They don't, I have a a few saves with the game completed with different characters and everyone is BUSY after the last missions. No matter how much you wait they are forever BUSY.

I went back a bit and loaded a save before the last mission and everyone was also BUSY. Go figure.
Well, taking the m22 flag out of homies.xtbl is a quick and easy fix. That probably means they're available during the mission, but i really couldn't care.

As for what could make them count as busy besides this, i have no idea. Don't know if we can control the cooldown period.
I've found that out on some remote jutting type of dock, I couldn't call *anyone*.
Is there a "reception area" included?

Unfortunately, I don't remember the exact circumstances.
I wasn't in a mission, though.

I think it was the area where you take hijacked aircraft (from the vehicle hijacking quests)