Review: Saints Save X-mas DLC. (No Spoiler)

I know what every one is thinking. "Thank baby Jesus we finally get tonicmole's opinion on something!" Well, this is my gift to you. Just a little piece of the inner workings of my genius mind. (note: be more humble)

When the title of this DLC was releases/leaked/revealed I'll sounded stupid. Though I tend to enjoy the escalating absurdity of Saints Row, I always fear the point in which the orgy of unadulterated jackass-ery we love stumbles and collapses into one long 'pull my finger' joke. "How the Saints Save X-mas" had all the makings of the shark being squarely jumped.....if such a thing is possible with Saints Row.

I will say that with the cost of the Season Pass it's hard to really be too critical of these two DLC packs....or should be at least. However that's not how the internet works, and fans are not nearly as concerned with price as they are about the DLC expanding the game they love. When DLC fails to improve their gaming experience fans will react negatively, whether it cost .99 cents, or $20. Enter the Dominatrix wasn't too expensive, it just wasn't good. It didn't improve or expand the game, and no one cared whether it was $5 or $20. Gamers pay for experiences, not for megabytes. However I digress....on to the North Poll.


Enter the Saints Save X-mas. Fact is, the concept has no obvious hook, yet somehow, like a Christmas miracle, the latest DLC succeeds in ways that no other Saints Row DLC has ever been able to do. Instead of merely building missions with in the current world space HTSSX-MAS introduces one new world space, and reinvents a second. When it comes to missions it is very similar to Saints Row the Third DLC. Insane, yet memorable bite size insanity, yet being slightly longer then past DLC releases. So, in short, the story missions are good....though the story is.....odd. It really pushes Saints Row further down the road in terms of being completely and utterly absurd. What makes this stand out, is the effort. Hidden collectibles justify replaying the Story, (though just being able to teleport to the new worlds without having to be contained in the story would have been better) the new locations really make the DLC more then just a slapped together remix, and best of all.....hidden Easter eggs! I would have to say that the #1 thing missing from SRTT, and SR IV where the Easter eggs. Hell, Saints Row 2 was more Easter eggs then game. I bet I could start it up and still find something new. The new DLC doesn't change the way you play, or bring the game up to SR 2, but it shows the effort. I'm not sure how much is actually hidden in this DLC, but what I saw was good. Frankly, Dr. Who justified the entire thing hands down.

To wrap this up, HTSSX-MAS is good. Loaded full of content, and adds a decent amount of reasons to keep playing SR 4 for a little longer. My only hope is that in the future of Saints Row DLC, that it can continue to expand and take more of a focus on extending the story of the Saints rather then only insane side stories. HTSSX-MAS is ironically worth the amount paid for the Season Pass. Volition is getting better at engaging their fan base and I think if they are able to better ignore the business of games, and focus more on the joy of making something amazing (logical or not) then we will be in for a treat as the inevitable SR 5 materializes.
POSSIBLE SPOILERS... or maybe not...

I think the Christmas expansion is going to be a "required" chapter when it comes to the story of the Saint's. Yes, it's a side story but it seems to pick up shortly after the boss rescues his or her homies but before Zinyak is defeated, and the story in the expansion seems to further change the boss into more of a "hero". When the series started the boss was a monster, a total detriment to society, but as the series progressed they became more of an anti hero and by the 4th game, they just became a hero. The xmas story I believe plays into the evolution, and I think if SR5 picks up where 4 left off, we'll see a boss who actually is a totally genuine good guy. SRIV is also the first Saints game where the boss doesn't kill innocent people, even if the player wants them to because all the civilians are simulations.

If the next game picks up where the 4th left off, things may be really, really interesting. I'd still love to see them use the time machine and accidentally go too far back into the past and have to deal living in a very uptight world, or maybe going back to when the Saints first rose to power and just doing things differently, maybe even actually saving Ayisha so that Gat can live happily ever after. But well, it's way too early to start making predictions.
POSSIBLE SPOILERS... or maybe not...

I think the Christmas expansion is going to be a "required" chapter when it comes to the story of the Saint's. Yes, it's a side story but it seems to pick up shortly after the boss rescues his or her homies but before Zinyak is defeated, and the story in the expansion seems to further change the boss into more of a "hero". When the series started the boss was a monster, a total detriment to society, but as the series progressed they became more of an anti hero and by the 4th game, they just became a hero. The xmas story I believe plays into the evolution, and I think if SR5 picks up where 4 left off, we'll see a boss who actually is a totally genuine good guy. SRIV is also the first Saints game where the boss doesn't kill innocent people, even if the player wants them to because all the civilians are simulations.

If the next game picks up where the 4th left off, things may be really, really interesting. I'd still love to see them use the time machine and accidentally go too far back into the past and have to deal living in a very uptight world, or maybe going back to when the Saints first rose to power and just doing things differently, maybe even actually saving Ayisha so that Gat can live happily ever after. But well, it's way too early to start making predictions.

I would really like for SR V to basically be a remake of Saints Row 1 and 2 with the new engine within the concept of time travel. However, I have come to learn that developers rarely see the nuances that we see. I really assumed the "Future Shaundi" was "Fun Shaundi" with a robot body....but no. It was a 3rd Shaundi......but really it's with most media. The problem is we imagine one group of people telling this ongoing story when in fact each game is a new team with different idea's and opinions of how to handle the franchise. The SR 2 team felt that a giant city with easter eggs was a good idea, the current team feels it's wasted time. Story is the same way. It's not an ongoing story within the game I don't think, but a reflection of the current Volition employee's vs. past teams.
I would really like for SR V to basically be a remake of Saints Row 1 and 2 with the new engine within the concept of time travel. However, I have come to learn that developers rarely see the nuances that we see. I really assumed the "Future Shaundi" was "Fun Shaundi" with a robot body....but no. It was a 3rd Shaundi......but really it's with most media. The problem is we imagine one group of people telling this ongoing story when in fact each game is a new team with different idea's and opinions of how to handle the franchise. The SR 2 team felt that a giant city with easter eggs was a good idea, the current team feels it's wasted time. Story is the same way. It's not an ongoing story within the game I don't think, but a reflection of the current Volition employee's vs. past teams.

You're absolutely wrong. Mostly the same team/people, including the main writer of all the SR games and Creative Director; Steve Jaros.
I could spend the save game with complete DLC?????
Because I can not finish it all is difficult

* Saints Row IV - Element of Destruction Pack
* Saints Row IV - Zinyak Attack Pack
* Saints Row IV - Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'? Pack New in this release:
* Saints Row IV - How the Saints Save Christmas Pack
* Saints Row IV - Anime Pack
* Saints Row IV - Stone Age Pack
* Saints Row IV - Child's Play Pack


I could spend the save game with complete DLC?????
Because I can not finish it all is difficult

* Saints Row IV - Element of Destruction Pack
* Saints Row IV - Zinyak Attack Pack
* Saints Row IV - Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'? Pack New in this release:
* Saints Row IV - How the Saints Save Christmas Pack
* Saints Row IV - Anime Pack???
* Saints Row IV - Stone Age Pack???
* Saints Row IV - Child's Play Pack


I don't understand what you're saying, also what're those 2 packs and where did you know it?
Element of Destruction Pack - doesn't have anything to complete
Zinyak Attack Pack - same as above
Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'? - same as above
Child's Play Pack - same as above
Anime Pack - doesn't exist
Stone Age Pack - doesn't exist
I don't know why you're posting question marks.

You asked for a save game with everything completed, and most of the dlc packs you mentioned have nothing to complete, they just add random things from vehicles to weapons to clothes to homies, and two of the dlc packs you mentioned currently are not available on Steam.

The funny thing about those two dlc packs is that they are included in the new update Reloaded released for the pirated version of the game.
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