Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack for Saints Row 2 v4.2 FIXED w/ New Links added!

Any ideas how to fix this distant issue?, I'm running normal GOTR and nothing else


  • 20190907190720_1.jpg
    211.3 KB · Views: 704
Small update::
How about having a cell phone that looks like the one in Saints Row 1? Look no farther cause I'm already started working on that for my next release of this mod!

SR2_pc 2019-10-05 02-28-49-24.png SR2_pc 2019-10-05 02-28-52-25.png SR2_pc 2019-10-05 02-28-55-65.png SR2_pc 2019-10-05 02-29-07-26.png SR2_pc 2019-10-05 02-29-11-46.png
It needs to be cleaned up a little bit. Edges are jagged.
I agree and i had a feeling this phone update would be coming shortly after that other person released there phone skin mod. Non the less perfect for the sr1 retexture
Amazing mod! I cannot wait to try it. SR1 is the best and I am still annoyed it never got a PC port. Thank you for this :)
So I was messing around with the time_of_day.xtbl files and I managed to have this occur.
Something important to note is that the sun only looks like this when facing directly at it in fine aim, at a very specific time of day no less.
I haven't been able to find out the cause, but if I manage to isolate it, SR1 style sunlight may be possible.

Or worst case scenario, this is a leftover that only works for two minutes at a time.
So I was messing around with the time_of_day.xtbl files and I managed to have this occur.
View attachment 23839
Something important to note is that the sun only looks like this when facing directly at it in fine aim, at a very specific time of day no less.
I haven't been able to find out the cause, but if I manage to isolate it, SR1 style sunlight may be possible.

Or worst case scenario, this is a leftover that only works for two minutes at a time.

The time_of_day.xtbl file has an option to turn on or turn off "Sunglare".

Edit: Matter of fact I added a newer type of glare file inside the "always_loaded_effects.g_peg_pc" and always_loaded_effects.peg_pc" files which in turn look like this:

Fine aim:
SR2_pc 2020-01-15 12-38-51-52.png

SR2_pc 2020-01-15 12-38-59-45.png

You can only see it in a spit second while moving in directions. As in the screenshot below the edge of the sun is marked with a red circle.
SR2_pc 2020-01-15 12-39-22-42.png
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I posted this in a help thread and forgot to drop it in here too.
I've fixed the crash in Red Asphalt when using the weather mod. One should be able to watch the cutscene and play the full mission with no fuss now without uninstalling the mod.

EDIT: I originally uploaded one with the wrong weather stage applied in this post, I have corrected this.


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