SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

I mean I wasn't saying accept bad writing, I wasn't calling SR3 bad, you called it bad. I can't say I really expected something gripping going into this, I expected something sort of tropey and cheesy, sometimes you just want an action movie where the good guys win and the bad guys lose.

I think overall the series is fine, like we have some fun stories in each game, even Gat out of Hell is weirdly more engaging than you'd expect it to be going in. I never called anything bad, I'm certainly disappointed in some ways, but ultimately I'm still having an ok time. The greatest flaw I can draw to the new characters is the lack of time we have with them, they just don't really get to do more than be tropes at times. I think there's good ideas, and maybe with time they'll develop more. I mean jeez, we used to hate Pierce back in the day lol.
Now onto something a little less fun.
That f***ing cinema!? Why did they hype up that f***ing cinema!? It literally serves no purpose, and there was no reason to stop and explore it!? They could have hyped the mansion, or the new Marshall Threat location that is actually enterable, or even Chicken Ned's new location... But instead they chose to hype up a building that is on the stretch of road where I'm driving at full speed with no intentions of stopping.

The Kiosk... The g*d damn Kiosk. The clothes are fine, I wish there were more than just a purse full of new clothes but whatever... But why another Kiosk, I get that it's easier, but If you're only adding one new Store, make it an enterable building. If you were adding 6 new Stores, then yeah, I wouldn't mind if 4 of them were Kiosks... But this is one new store... Just one. F***ing Kiosks... Stilwater and Steelport never had a single Kiosk, where did they get the idea that these would be a thing we would like to see in a Saints Row game.

Honestly, I felt like that they were trying to be sneaky with that tweet, like they knew what they were doing in trying to hype that up. Felt dishonest and scummy IMO.
The DLC/Update is kinda good:
+ We got a new story missions that feel like a parody of Fast & Furious movies but they're not super cringy, I mean Gangstas in Space, Trouble with Clones for TT or Enter the Dominatrix for SR4 were worse imo
+ There's also a new district which is small but pretty and it's the first time in SR history we got a map expansion
+ there's a new crib (with interior!!)
+ a new activity that is fun, I mean if you don't enjoy flying the wingsuit you won't like it but I actually enjoyed it and it also gives you new wingsuits after completing them
+ a new vehicle
+ a new weapon which is fun to use especially if you want to launch yourself in air
+ they finally fixed shooting guns, they're more accurate and not annoying to use
+ photo mode

But there are a few things that I don't like:
- The story DLC is short and Chris Hardy is annoying
- There's no new stores: we got one old friendly fire and a fucking kiosk that sells bathtowels and bathrobes...
- there's more "did you know" places but all of them are voice by Chris Hardy and are cringy af
- yea, the cinema is just a building
If I remember right there were some odd bugs tied to world state that arose when it was modded into SR3 and SR4, I'm more than willing to believe they want it to be a feature, but the state of their proprietary engine has only gotten more complex or unwieldy overtime. I can't say I fully understand why it's not been in since SR2, but I can also firmly state that the series has gone through a fair amount of engine work and changes since SR2 as well.

It's really been a puzzler to me, like even after getting more into game development and joining a team of my own, I still can't quite figure out from the outside why they stopped doing it as a feature outside of the possibility it was encouraging or resulting in a lot of bugs.
But the fact that they haven't found a solution to these bugs so they can actually implement Mission Replay, says that they'd rather work on adding more desolate districts to this desolate wasteland, than work on something we'd actually prefer to have in the game. They could have at least made the street Crew recruitable so we can hang out with them in free roam instead of only being able to have them join us in battle.

*join us towards the end of the battle.
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It's not surprising to me. Most of the DLC Campaigns in the Saints Row Series have consisted of 3 Missions, a few activities and a lot of cosmetics.

If it's anything like the Gangstas In space DLC for SRTT, the missions should be quite long and have a lot of Dialogue between action scenes to get through backstories and character development as you go.

Also it could be like How The Saints Saved Christmas, and the activites/events could be connected directly with the new story as a form of campaign extension.
SRIV dominatrix has 5 missions not surprise this dlc is the only one has 5 and also long enough to push back Dominatrix to causing chaos in the entire of simulation..
The 1st mission there is enough to make you hate the guy.
Lowenthal nailed the voice acting in making Zhen annoying as fuck.
Volition succesfully delivery this in srtt how you make This randomly dude annoy you alot as director who also lies your acting its good.. even tho Boss dont know how to act.. the thing is here they made the boss looks goofy more as hell.. he probably want to kill Andy zhen but Jen dont want the boss did that she rather hit him with Alien Plane.. thats how you did for 3 mission ending looks good... Not with "You just got snake eyes rolled" *dies from cringe*

Funny how they also made Chris hardy looks like RPGGameplay Character...


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Currently compiling a list of bugs that are still in game or completely new ones with the help of some friends. Haven't touched the DLC yet as I'm replaying the whole story. Will def come back and let y'all know how it is.