Saints Row 4 First Person View *ALPHA STAGE*

Hey Immortal, do you reckon we'd be able to get the game Rift compatible? Any idea what engine the game uses?

I get my Rift development kit next month. As of now I have to do more research about it. But this mod will be able to support the Rift soon.
I get my Rift development kit next month. As of now I have to do more research about it. But this mod will be able to support the Rift soon.
I've already got mine here, it could be really simple to do, or it could be far more involved, all depends on which game engine they based it off. I know unreal and unity are practically garunteed to work with no effort required, we wouldn't even have to do anything. But if it isn't using any of those we'll have to set it up manually, which would probably require the SDK, you can do a lot with modding but I don't think the kind of distortion needed to get the rift working will be possible with tables and values.
It shouldn't be too hard. Sure! If you want to go ahead and get started that's great! Tell us what you think and how the progress is going. As soon as I get my Rift in it shouldnt take any longer then 2 weeks to have it up and running.
Just a reminder to anyone out there members and lurkers alike that poor syncing on the oculus rift can cause issues with your eyes.

At least that's what I remember from a report I read.
That's with normal oculus rift projects. The simulation sickness (motion sickness) is caused by the brain being tricked into thinking what you see is real even though your brain knows its not. That's what causes it to poison itself.

Now what I'm talking about is properly syncing the two renders together. Doing this improperly is exactly like wearing someone else's prescription glasses for extended periods of time. It will temporarily cause blurred vision and eye fatigue but nothing permanent (as far as I know).
Ok the player's head not showing when he is ragdolled has been like 90% fixed,it is not perfect,as sometimes the head is not there for like 1 second after ragdolling...Here is a video of me chilling while playing some insurance fraud:

A fix for the head being absent while swimming or in simulation cutscenes is on its way.
Great Job xQd!