Some thoughts about the NPCs not working...
I've been looking at what was inside all the npc files into the characters.vpp_pc once extracted. I've come to the conclusion that all the NPCs currently working with the morphing lack one file: namecharacter.sim_pc
If you look at
this thread it seems that this file is responsible for the animation of the clothes during the simulation (and more inportantly simulated bones of the character skeleton could be inside too).
I tried several things with the characters which didn't work:
For example, I unpacked npc_Kinzie.str2_pc, deleted the kinzie.sim_pc and packed it again in a new npc_Kinzie.str2_pc. Then I updated the character_containers.asm_pc to match with this new stream file (thanks to Minimaul's tools).
Then, when I tried to morph as Kinzie the game wasn't crashing anymore but I got an invisible character and I coudn't make it move.
I also tried to add npc_Shaundi's sim_pc file to the saints_female_shaundidptest.str2_pc and rebuilt it. While I was able to morph into shaundidptest before, now I couldn't and the game crashed.
All these things make me think the problem is somehow related to this sim_pc file... but how to bypass it?
Also, when you delete a sim_pc file, you can't even call the character as a homie, so it's must be a pretty important file.
I can't think of another way of dealing with these sim_pc files right now, or if I'm following a false lead lol
If someone has a brilliant idea, I would be glad to hear it