Saints Row IV Re-Elected on PC

I've finally managed to fix the game! Here's how, hope it works for you all too (just to clarify: DLCs and mods still work!):
* Boot up Steam, and open the developer console by pressing Windows+R, then pasting steam://open/console in the "Run" box and pressing Enter.
* In the developer console, paste the following: download_depot 206420 206421 32002699204955846
* These are the main SRIV files (packfiles, videos, etc.) from the last patch before the abysmal Re-Elected patch. They're 8,670 megs (almost 8,70 GB!), so they'll take some time to download.
* Once they download, paste the following in Steam's console: download_depot 206420 206422 6013726710204312506
* This is just 6 megs, and it's the old SRIV executable. You need it to play SRIV without the patch: the new executable won't work with the old files.
* Before you do anything with them, head to your Saints Row IV installation folder (by default, it's Steam -> steamapps -> common -> Saints Row IV) and delete the following files: SaintsRowIV.exe, sr_hv.exe & SaintsRowIV.ini
* Now that you have the old files, you have to locate them. They're in your Steam installation folder, under steamapps -> content -> app_206420. There, you'll find the old files under the "depot_206421" and "depot_206422" folders.
* Copy and paste the content of both folders in your Saints Row IV folder. Replace all the new files with the old ones (they're 100 as far as I remember).
* Now, start the game in Steam.
* ???
* Profit! Now you can play SRIV again.
Just to clarify, I haven't tested co-op yet, but it should work with no problems. All of my old non-workshop mods work flawlessy, but I've yet to test if Workshop mods work. DLCs and their content work flawlessy, both customization and story-oriented. The MySteelport emulator works too, but with one odd quirk: the first time I booted up SRIV after fixing it, I went to Imagine as Designed/Imagined as Edges and loaded the character gallery, but forgot to start the MySteelport emulator. When I started it, I logged in just fine, but the game said I had no characters available for download. Just exiting the game and booting it up again fixed the issue, though, so it may not be something important but I'd like to clarify it just in case.
If any administrators/moderators find this message helpful you can post this info in other threads or make one dedicated to it. I was going to post this in a new thread but I didn't know where to post it (general chat or get help). If you have any questions regarding this, I'll answer them in a couple of hours. It's three in the morning here and I'm really tired :p
As a bonus, if you want to revert the game's Steam library appearance (logo, cover, background, etc.), here are the links to the original library assets:
* Small logo (capsule)
* Big logo (large capsule)
* Header
* Cover
* Background
* Logo

I was able to restore the pre-updated SR4 with this. So thank you! But for some reason if i try to run the pre-update folder that i named "Saints Row IV Old" while the Post updated folder had the original "Saints Row IV" name, it would still launch the new updated game... so i just had to swap their folder names and all good. My old save had a second chance at life.


  • SR4.jpg
    573 KB · Views: 172
But for some reason if i try to run the pre-update folder that i named "Saints Row IV Old" while the Post updated folder had the original "Saints Row IV" name, it would still launch the new updated game... so i just had to swap their folder names and all good. My old save had a second chance at life.
I'm glad you managed to play SRIV again but I didn't quite understand what you meant by this. If you tried to run it via Steam, it always loads the "Saints Row IV" folder located in steamapps. But if you meant that it ran the updated SRIV even without Steam enabled, that's quite odd... I can't really explain it.
By the way, don't bother with backing up the Re-Elected version. If you delete it you'll be perfectly fine, and in case you want it back for some reason, you can just verify the integrity of the game's files on Steam and it'll download the new files with no problem.
Also, and I can't believe I didn't see this before, but among the files included in the new patch there's a folder called "redist" that holds the Epic Online Services installer. It's 150 MB and if you play on the old version it doesn't really serve a purpose, so delete it. It doesn't affect the game at all.
Hi! I didn't download a death patch. Is there anyway to run the game without going offline?
Not really... Steam always forces you to update in order to play a game, unlike the PS4 for example. You'd have to update the game and then downgrade it to the pre Re-Elected patch if you want to play it without using Steam's offline mode, sorry.
Not really... Steam always forces you to update in order to play a game, unlike the PS4 for example. You'd have to update the game and then downgrade it to the pre Re-Elected patch if you want to play it without using Steam's offline mode, sorry.
Does this mean that I will have to reinstall all mods?
I've finally managed to fix the game! Here's how, hope it works for you all too (just to clarify: DLCs and mods still work!):
* Boot up Steam, and open the developer console by pressing Windows+R, then pasting steam://open/console in the "Run" box and pressing Enter.
* In the developer console, paste the following: download_depot 206420 206421 32002699204955846
* These are the main SRIV files (packfiles, videos, etc.) from the last patch before the abysmal Re-Elected patch. They're 8,670 megs (almost 8,70 GB!), so they'll take some time to download.
* Once they download, paste the following in Steam's console: download_depot 206420 206422 6013726710204312506
* This is just 6 megs, and it's the old SRIV executable. You need it to play SRIV without the patch: the new executable won't work with the old files.
* Before you do anything with them, head to your Saints Row IV installation folder (by default, it's Steam -> steamapps -> common -> Saints Row IV) and delete the following files: SaintsRowIV.exe, sr_hv.exe & SaintsRowIV.ini
* Now that you have the old files, you have to locate them. They're in your Steam installation folder, under steamapps -> content -> app_206420. There, you'll find the old files under the "depot_206421" and "depot_206422" folders.
* Copy and paste the content of both folders in your Saints Row IV folder. Replace all the new files with the old ones (they're 100 as far as I remember).
* Now, start the game in Steam.
* ???
* Profit! Now you can play SRIV again.
Just to clarify, I haven't tested co-op yet, but it should work with no problems. All of my old non-workshop mods work flawlessy, but I've yet to test if Workshop mods work. DLCs and their content work flawlessy, both customization and story-oriented. The MySteelport emulator works too, but with one odd quirk: the first time I booted up SRIV after fixing it, I went to Imagine as Designed/Imagined as Edges and loaded the character gallery, but forgot to start the MySteelport emulator. When I started it, I logged in just fine, but the game said I had no characters available for download. Just exiting the game and booting it up again fixed the issue, though, so it may not be something important but I'd like to clarify it just in case.
If any administrators/moderators find this message helpful you can post this info in other threads or make one dedicated to it. I was going to post this in a new thread but I didn't know where to post it (general chat or get help). If you have any questions regarding this, I'll answer them in a couple of hours. It's three in the morning here and I'm really tired :p
As a bonus, if you want to revert the game's Steam library appearance (logo, cover, background, etc.), here are the links to the original library assets:
* Small logo (capsule)
* Big logo (large capsule)
* Header
* Cover
* Background
* Logo
Here's how you can downgrade your game to the latest pre Re-Elected build, I hope it works for you.
Co-op works flawlessly! Just tried it with my brother. He did say he noticed he lost around 10-15fps from when he last played SRIV, but I on the other hand noticed a performance upgrade (from 97 fps on average to 112 fps). If anyone else has issues with their performance, please let me know. For now, here are some co-op images.
I've finally managed to fix the game! Here's how, hope it works for you all too (just to clarify: DLCs and mods still work!):
* Boot up Steam, and open the developer console by pressing Windows+R, then pasting steam://open/console in the "Run" box and pressing Enter.
* In the developer console, paste the following: download_depot 206420 206421 32002699204955846
* These are the main SRIV files (packfiles, videos, etc.) from the last patch before the abysmal Re-Elected patch. They're 8,670 megs (almost 8,70 GB!), so they'll take some time to download.
* Once they download, paste the following in Steam's console: download_depot 206420 206422 6013726710204312506
* This is just 6 megs, and it's the old SRIV executable. You need it to play SRIV without the patch: the new executable won't work with the old files.
* Before you do anything with them, head to your Saints Row IV installation folder (by default, it's Steam -> steamapps -> common -> Saints Row IV) and delete the following files: SaintsRowIV.exe, sr_hv.exe & SaintsRowIV.ini
* Now that you have the old files, you have to locate them. They're in your Steam installation folder, under steamapps -> content -> app_206420. There, you'll find the old files under the "depot_206421" and "depot_206422" folders.
* Copy and paste the content of both folders in your Saints Row IV folder. Replace all the new files with the old ones (they're 100 as far as I remember).
* Now, start the game in Steam.
* ???
* Profit! Now you can play SRIV again.
Just to clarify, I haven't tested co-op yet, but it should work with no problems. All of my old non-workshop mods work flawlessy, but I've yet to test if Workshop mods work. DLCs and their content work flawlessy, both customization and story-oriented. The MySteelport emulator works too, but with one odd quirk: the first time I booted up SRIV after fixing it, I went to Imagine as Designed/Imagined as Edges and loaded the character gallery, but forgot to start the MySteelport emulator. When I started it, I logged in just fine, but the game said I had no characters available for download. Just exiting the game and booting it up again fixed the issue, though, so it may not be something important but I'd like to clarify it just in case.
If any administrators/moderators find this message helpful you can post this info in other threads or make one dedicated to it. I was going to post this in a new thread but I didn't know where to post it (general chat or get help). If you have any questions regarding this, I'll answer them in a couple of hours. It's three in the morning here and I'm really tired :p
As a bonus, if you want to revert the game's Steam library appearance (logo, cover, background, etc.), here are the links to the original library assets:
* Small logo (capsule)
* Big logo (large capsule)
* Header
* Cover
* Background
* Logo
This works well, thank you.

If you want to keep the SR files in a different place, create a file called steam_appid.txt with the content:

Then you can run the game by running SaintsRowIV.exe from anywhere on your PC - I have it in E:\SRIV for instance.

I looked at the current build on steam - it seems to crash if you load too many customisation items. I'd *guess* it doesn't have all of the fixes the workshop build had for dynamically loaded content. The legacy build on steam I get is byte-for-byte identical to the current main build, so very unhelpful.

I also note that the new build has some oddities in files we've never seen before - for example, some of the DLC language string files have 0 in certain offsets that have *always* been filled in before. It's only some of the files, but might explain some odd behaviour, especially for players not using English.