Saints Row IV Re-Elected on PC

Thanks! But appears in the new version the save format has changed, since the game now is refusing to load any old existent savegames (including 100% ones) as the game just flat-out quits / shutdown when trying to load an one...

The site need do get a brand new saves that are compatible and can be loaded with the new build without quitting to desktop...
I was able to load my old saves without any problem, I just had to delete all of the mods
I was able to load my old saves without any problem, I just had to delete all of the mods
I have no mods currently at all and game still refuses to load any old save... On Steam discussions there's people having exact same issue as they also can't load any previous savegames without making the game crash...
I have no mods currently at all and game still refuses to load any old save... On Steam discussions there's people having exact same issue as they also can't load any previous savegames without making the game crash...
It's horrible. I thought the workshop build was broken but re-elected is even worse
I heard they also removed borderless fullscreen

-Messed up saves
-Broken Mods
-No Borderless fullscreen
-Odd Crossplay (i am on EGS but just mentioned a few things i saw in this thread)

Seems like the bar for a quality product before launching it has really went down sadly.
Actually, the issue with save loading crash seems to related to DLC unlocking. Seems the game can't load only saves that has more progressed in storyline and has any kind of DLCs unlocked - literally only saves past The Real World (the 7th mission) after which the DLC becomes available are making game to crash! But saves that're at very earliest in the storyline and at very first few missions, made before The Real World mission in fact can be loaded fine because they has NO any DLCs unlocked yet...
The crossplay is a joke
"Want to play with Epic users? You need to have an Epic account"
"Want to play with Steam users only? You still need to have an Epic account"

I've already tested it and it's just false. I have seen the error popup once but never again, I don't know why or how. I know I refuse to link Epic to my Steam though.

Only thing they do is force their EOS service to run even if you're not using it for absolutely no reason and that's disgusting.

EDIT: Speaking of the devil...this piece of shit was still running in the background after I closed the game for hours so I couldn't even play anything else until I realized it was the problem thanks to Special K telling me Saints Row IV was running for some reason. GREAT fucking update, more reason to want EGS to die.

And speaking of saves. My save from 2017 doesn't work. But more recent ones do.
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Thanks for the garbage Epic Account requirement, Volition..... You guys simply don't give a damn, do you? You basically lied to Deep Silver about the status of Agents Of Mayhem's development, you released the disastrously reboot, and now you pull a stunt like this? No one wants to link any Epic Games account of any kind, and no one wants to play a game that wants you to link the account AS A REQUIREMENT!!!