SPOILERS San Diego Comic Con live streaming SR4 panel

I'm going to mark this thread as a spoiler thread, so discuss away!
Forgive me for my bad english, but does that mean that we can discuss it ?
Forgive me for my bad english, but does that mean that we can discuss it ?

Yes. :)

Chris Daniels must be hosting the mysterious missing radio station from the preview build. In SR2, there were certain radio stations that got replaced halfway through the story like EZZZY 105 being changed to The World. Also, there was the pirate radio station that only came in at certain areas in the world. So, maybe it's something like that?

Also, one of the activities uses We Will Rock You by Queen for completion. I was wondering if maybe it was Wrestling or sports related songs that he DJs.
Yes. :)

Chris Daniels must be hosting the mysterious missing radio station from the preview build. In SR2, there were certain radio stations that got replaced halfway through the story like EZZZY 105 being changed to The World. Also, there was the pirate radio station that only came in at certain areas in the world. So, maybe it's something like that?

Also, one of the activities uses We Will Rock You by Queen for completion. I was wondering if maybe it was Wrestling or sports related songs that he DJs.

I'm a huge fan of wrestling, but I don't even know what you mean by Sports related songs. I just want to be exploring the world listening to Living Colour - Cult of Personality ( CM Punks theme song ). That would be awesome. But of course that song won't be in the game. It's a shame though.
Of all the wrestlers they coulda got, they got Chris Daniels to host his own station....very strange. He's good but not exactly a household name. Then again, neither is RVD. Didn't even know he voiced Bobby until yesterday, haha. Well, Jaros did say they were fans of wrestling and it's been showing since the Brotherhood fighting style in 2, haha.

I think Idolninja maybe means that Daniels would DJ a radio station that maybe has wrestler theme songs as the music? Why wouldn't Cult of Personality be in Saints 4, BTW? It was in San Andreas, Guitar Hero...it's not like they closely guard the rights to use the song like, say, Metallica's music.
Of all the wrestlers they coulda got, they got Chris Daniels to host his own station....very strange. He's good but not exactly a household name. Then again, neither is RVD.

Rob Van Dam IS a household name.
Why wouldn't Cult of Personality be in Saints 4, BTW? It was in San Andreas, Guitar Hero...it's not like they closely guard the rights to use the song like, say, Metallica's music.
If it is, i'll be pretty happy and pleased. If it isn't, I hope at least that Mark Henrys theme song is. The most badass theme song in all of wrestlings history.
Not in my book he's not =P Then again, one, that's a different topic, two I've never been a huge mark for RVD, and three he spent most of his time in ECW and TNA...not that I watch WWE all that often but I also missed out on the best years of ECW and I've never been much for TNA either. Been a wrestling fan all my life but never really got deeper than WWF/WWE until a few years ago. So many feds to watch, so little time....but again that's a different topic.

I would have much preferred Stone Cold or Mick Foley as the DJ, personally. They're both out of wrestling work on account of their injuries and both have fun and interesting personalities. I might not be giving Chris Daniels enough credit though, the little TNA I've seen was in early 2007 when he was on hiatus for a long time....Great wrestler for the few matches I've seen him in but it didn't really give me a sense of his personality. You know, other than the religious Fallen Angel stuff.
Not in my book he's not =P Then again, one, that's a different topic, two I've never been a huge mark for RVD, and three he spent most of his time in ECW and TNA...not that I watch WWE all that often but I also missed out on the best years of ECW and I've never been much for TNA either. Been a wrestling fan all my life but never really got deeper than WWF/WWE until a few years ago. So many feds to watch, so little time....but again that's a different topic.

So you were talking about a household name, but not specifying the promotion. He was the biggest superstar on ECW during his years and was even ranked No.1 wrestler in 2002 ( during his stint with the WWF/E ). And about the stint he had in TNA, it flopped so hard that he had to come back to the WWE. Not to mention that he was one of the wrestlers who revived the ECW in 2005.
But yeah that's off topic.
I would have much preferred Stone Cold or Mick Foley as the DJ, personally.
Say what you want, but i'd rather be listening to Chris Jericho or The Rock while travelling around.
The Rock would be hilarious too but he's too busy with his movies and would be wayyyy too expensive. He's still got that superstar quality and influence that a lot of the old Attitude Era wrestlers have lost due to injury or ending up in other promotions that are less popular than WWE (i.e. all of them) Dunno about Jericho, I was never a huge fan of his either back in the day. Now I watch WWE because my aunt still watches it (She's a super casual fan, like she hates C.M. Punk coz she doesn't like his in-ring personality and thinks Daniel Bryan is nothing to write home about....) and I see him fighting this Fandango guy and...well, he's come a long way from his Y2J days, that's for sure, and then they have him jobbing to this guy at Wrestlemania of all places....I dunno dude.

Ah well, we got the Fallen Angel, which is out of left field, haha. I hope the station he heads up has rock or metal on it, I won't listen to it otherwise. Gen X and The Krunch/Blood were my faves in the other games, with a little bit of Klassic thrown in.