Sandbox+ for Saints Row IV

Well, apparently the 'needed' file mentioned in @Heavenly1 's post is rather unneccessary.
I made myself to Paul just looking the same as his screenshots by using the MECH-Homie and changing the camerascript to joe using SB+.

Forget about that crap!
I fixed Idol's problem with the ''Be Joe'' crash and it works properly now :)


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so is the 3 Count crib in the first EtD mission actually part of the main Steelport map or is it just another standalone area like Pleasantville? Please say it's the former.

Also is it possible to load the skyboxes used in those missions for inclusion in a day/night cycle? The one used in the first mission looked lifted straight from SR3.
so is the 3 Count crib in the first EtD mission actually part of the main Steelport map or is it just another standalone area like Pleasantville? Please say it's the former.

Also is it possible to load the skyboxes used in those missions for inclusion in a day/night cycle? The one used in the first mission looked lifted straight from SR3.
It's the former and can be seen when loaded.
Sandbox+ wip build 12 is out with 4 new teleports to the EtD locations thanks to hoeward.

R + END - Teleport to Enter the Dominatrix 3 Count Crib interior
R + PAGE DOWN - Teleoprt to Enter the Domniatrix 3 Count Crib exterior
R + RIGHT ARROW - Teleport to Enter the Dominatrix inside Paul
R + LEFT ARROW - Teleport to Enter the Dominatrix BDSM club
so is the 3 Count crib in the first EtD mission actually part of the main Steelport map or is it just another standalone area like Pleasantville? Please say it's the former.

Also is it possible to load the skyboxes used in those missions for inclusion in a day/night cycle? The one used in the first mission looked lifted straight from SR3.
The ''Zero Saints Thirty'' Mission?
I just checked, the 3-count casino is there, but it is not the crib version.

This was just doing a standard free play.
I can see the giant purple building, when I load the Exterior ;)