Sandbox+ for Saints Row IV

I meant the first EtD mission.
This code should load that ToD.

SRTT_TIME = false
^ - Add this one to the others in the files header
if not SRTT_TIME then
sandboxplus_message(" Time of Day: DLC1_M01")
sandboxplus_message(" Time of Day: Standard")
^ - Add this one to a key.
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Here is a sandbox cutscene player ,that iv'e made for the dominatrix bound to one bind for all change,s to save space as mine is allmost full now ! still needs a few tweaks . Oh you get bonus xp and cash for watching the last of them :)

I got one similiar, but I can't get it teleporting me back where I was :(
Nice, I can't wait! :D
Cutscene Playing - BETA
sandboxplus_message(" Playing: ETD - Intro Cutscene")
local fade_in_after = true
cutscene_play("dlc1_01_In", nil,nil, fade_in_after, false)
-- plays Cutscene
local tposx,tposy,tposz = (754.792 - ctele_Posx), (891.596 - ctele_Posy), (6.057 - ctele_Posz)
teleport_to_object(LOCAL_PLAYER, "nw_qm_nav", false, false, tposx , tposz, tposy , false)
-- Teleports you back to Steelport instead of the Ship.
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Not sure if anyone said this already.. but maybe you could add the sub - machine gun anims from the Zero Dark Thirty mission?
NVM, I just didn't click the buttons at EXACT the same time...

You shouldn't have to. You hold the first key down, and then while holding it press and hold the second key until the command activates.