Sandbox+ for Saints Row IV

hello idolninja i have two questions: is it hard to make a mod and how do you make a mod ... thanks when you give a reaction

Depends. Read the Guides and Tutorial subforums.
Coming soon... :D
Coming soon.png
I was wondering if there was a way to display a full list of the sandbox+ commands in game, so as to have them at my fingertips? I tried something with the sandbox_message function but it didn't quite work :/
I was wondering if there was a way to display a full list of the sandbox+ commands in game, so as to have them at my fingertips? I tried something with the sandbox_message function but it didn't quite work :/
Not really, though I'm working on creating my own text adventure menu for Things To Do In Dominatrix mod pack - if I find a way to do that, I'm going to create unique in-game guide for all mods included in it, along with the full list of Sandbox+ commands. :)