[V] IdolNinja
Volition Staff
Can you send me version with default enabled tutorials popups and superpowers and default disabled Restricted Zone notoriety?
I really don't have time to make multiple versions. Not to mention you would need a new one with every new release of the alpha. So, how about I just tell you how to do it by editing s3_city.lua:
Default superpowers and restricted zones notoriety disabled need to have their functions added inside the main function so it automatically starts on load:
function sr3_city_main()
Keycombo_Handle = thread_new("keycombo_thread")
TOD_Handle = thread_new ("tod_thread")
player_super_powered(LOCAL_PLAYER,true) -- <- Added Superpowers for host
player_super_powered(REMOTE_PLAYER,true) -- <- Added Superpowers for remote coop player
notoriety_restricted_zones_enable(false) -- <- Added disabled restricted zone notoriety
Tutorial Popups enabled by default just needs the booleans for it changed from true to false
-- Tutorial flag to disable all popups
Tutorial_Disable_Flag = false
NOTE: All the toggles will still work in-game if you decide to turn them off (or back on) while playing.