Sandbox+ for SRTT

.042 alpha released attached to the OP!


* Added 3 new teleports
X + LBRACKET = Teleport to Professor Genki SERC
X + RBRACKET = Teleport to Apocalypse Genki
X + SEMICOLON = Teleport to deckers.die tank battle arena - Thanks for the coords, Pinnhead!

* Added Time of Day cycle command
R + HOME = Cycle through times of day (sunrise, noon, sunset, night)

* Added explosion attach cycle command
R + PGUP = Cycle through attaching explosions to character (WIP only the first one is useful. the others are annoying with the camera shake)

* Added new notoriety commands
CTRL + LBRACKET = Toggle lock notoriety at zero (forces no notoriety)
CTRL + RBRACKET = Toggle maxed notoriety for all gangs/poice, and reset all notoriety to 0

* Added zone swap for Saints HQ
G + PGDOWN = Cycles Saints HQ states (Morningstar, damanged in STAG attack, Saints colors undamaged)

* Cutscenes now return player to Saints HQ after playing

* More reorganizing of commands
This would be cool.

We've been trying to figure out the boundary limitations for months with no success. It's also what is causing the problems with the Stilwater bank, Loren Jet, and other teleports.
We've been trying to figure out the boundary limitations for months with no success. It's also what is causing the problems with the Stilwater bank, Loren Jet, and other teleports.

Wow, I had no idea there were so many things outside of the game's normal boundaries. I've been hoping for a way to free roam in the other "worlds" (mars and the cyberworld) but this mod looks like it gives/will give much more than that. Thanks for the effort put into this mod (after a little more updating, I will probably be downloading it) and good luck with the boundaries and whatever else you may be putting in.
(after a little more updating, I will probably be downloading it)

No reason to wait. It's totally stable as it is, just missing a few of the features like super power effects and some brute anims. Oh, and the boundaries of course. It currently does teleport you correctly to mars, vr, and most of the others.
just tried a couple teleports from the mod, looks good. I wonder if it would be possible to toggle the sky/atmosphere effects that you normally see in the mars/cyber world stages?
just tried a couple teleports from the mod, looks good. I wonder if it would be possible to toggle the sky/atmosphere effects that you normally see in the mars/cyber world stages?

I see tod_override table files in the missions themselves, but there is nothing in either mission script that actually changes it. There are no listed functions that seem to relate to it either. My guess is that it's hardcoded. The only thing I can think of would be to add them in as new slices and copy the settings over, but my worry is that it would then be part of the normal cycle.
o_ONew commands don't work . Files of .42 are the same with .41 except readme and changelog.
And I want to say sorry to you again for all my stupid questions.Please forgive me.
o_ONew commands don't work . Files of .42 are the same with .41 except readme and changelog.
And I want to say sorry to you again for all my stupid questions.Please forgive me.

I confirmed it as well. Not sure how that happened, but it's fixed now with release .42a attached to OP.
just tried a couple teleports from the mod, looks good. I wonder if it would be possible to toggle the sky/atmosphere effects that you normally see in the mars/cyber world stages?

I actually got it to work! :D

I ended up inserting in new TOD slices which get skipped over during the cycle and then created the key combos to manually set that particular time. The neat thing is that you can select the new tod and then disable the cycle and it will stay that way as long as you want.