Sandbox+ for SRTT

I have a suggestion. Could there be a keybind somewhere out of the way (Like y + insert, something that wouldn't be pressed together often) to toggle if the commands work? I use ctrl for crouching, and I fear that would I would teleport somewhere during a mission on accident. This might already be in there and I missed it, though. Thanks!
I have a suggestion. Could there be a keybind somewhere out of the way (Like y + insert, something that wouldn't be pressed together often) to toggle if the commands work? I use ctrl for crouching, and I fear that would I would teleport somewhere during a mission on accident. This might already be in there and I missed it, though. Thanks!

I think that's a great idea and should be quite easy to add a flag. Look for it in the upcoming release that should be out sometime today. :)
Awesome mod! I'm having tons of fun with the teleporting and super-powers! Any chance you can teleport to a waypoint? I'm doubting it, but it would be cool.
Awesome mod! I'm having tons of fun with the teleporting and super-powers! Any chance you can teleport to a waypoint? I'm doubting it, but it would be cool.

Interesting thought. I think it might be part of the map menu and not something I can access outside of it, but I'll see what I can do.

EDIT: Took a look at hud.lua and pause_menu.lua and don't really see anything that stores the bookmark open world xzy coordinates that could be used to create a teleport.
Sandbox+ v1.0 official release is now up! See the first post for download.

Sandbox+ v1.0 changelog said:
v 1.0 official release

New Decker Specialist Rollerblading animations from IdolNinja with additional fixes and tweaks from BadMadScientist and gameqube
CTRL + SEMICOLON = Toggle Rollerblader animations for player

New teleport shortcuts from shitface and Dracius for the abandoned train station and the top of the highest building, respectively.

C + HOME = Teleport to abandoned train station
C + PGUP = Teleport to top of highest building in Steelport

Stilwater m01 bank teleport is now "fixed". The command now auto loads the Stilwater zones and then teleports you to the northern edge of the city. You still won't be able to get into the bank since it's past the southern map boundary, but at least now you can explore the north part.

Drugged and drunk effects now cycle from weak to strong instead of the original toggle. Also added the tonal pitch shifts from the mission making audio sound progressively slower and weirder for each stage. Make sure to try it out! It's super cool!

Added Brute attack animations (they animate now but don't actually connect yet.)

Avatar morph rig now looks mostly right and walk/run anims working. Camera and moveset still not working 100% right yet but we're closer.

Removed command for m03 We're Going to Need Bigger Guns OP cutscene (no such thing actually exists since the mission simply starts you in the open world.) All other cutscene commands have been shifted up so as not to leave a gap.

Moved variables that control automatic time of day processing and tutorial disabling to the top of sr3_city.lua with notes on how to tweak for personal preference. Should be pretty easy to use/modify.

Moved command to toggle remote player activation here:
8 + PGDOWN = Toggle if commands process for only the host (default) or if they also affect remote coop player
Decker specialist anims still broke, seems like they want to work as the decker melee now works (although even if you're using nocturne the sword is invisible, still hits and will kill) and if you jump while sprinting it plays the first frame of the specialist anim but never any other frame.
Decker specialist anims still broke, seems like they want to work as the decker melee now works (although even if you're using nocturne the sword is invisible, still hits and will kill) and if you jump while sprinting it plays the first frame of the specialist anim but never any other frame.

Are you sure that you copied misc_tables.vpp_pc to /cache and not just left in the root with the exe?

I'm testing it again just to make sure, and everything is working perfectly for both male and female characters. Sword is visible and animating just like the shock hammer; being dragged behind you. All animations playing.
Are you sure that you copied misc_tables.vpp_pc to /cache and not just left in the root with the exe?

I'm testing it again just to make sure, and everything is working perfectly for both male and female characters. Sword is visible and animating just like the shock hammer; being dragged behind you. All animations playing.

Yes, I did everything correctly and it does not work, I have to go now but I'll re-install the game and ONLY sandbox mod tomorrow to see if it's a conflict issue.