Sandbox+ for SRTT

hi. just wanted to post few screens of some tests doing for next installment in apocalypse pack. there should be be just 5 tods, thats all. u have the 1st, this would come 4th in the chain, its just what i was working on last nite & its a complete contrast to the last one in a sense. i like that the variations of the saints colors u can see which is basically why im posting.

btest overtones & highlights var4.jpg
rb44 lighting color test 32size.jpg
rm mv sw light color test var 44 (hot shit-remember folder jackass).jpg
rtest color lighting var 62size.jpg
rtest from old r setting  but new var 26size50.jpg
sp test ascend moren var 13.jpg
also, here's my "miami vice" style variation for the above one, lol.... i doubt i'll leave them that saturated unless people like it....

and yes these are all "blue-based," thats cuz they're all from the same tod, so im sorry bout lack of variation in examples. and the screens themselves were tests so there's nothing exciting happening, but just wanted to share.

miamivice apoc test var 7b size.jpg
Maybe you didn't select SET KEYS & BUTTONS in CONTROLS menu? The mod won't work if you press F1 in CONTROLS menu instead of SET KEYS & BUTTONS menu.
I did that too.
Anyone having trouble re setting their key binds, try this...
Set keys & Buttons
General (Press F1, Yes)
On Foot (Press F1, Yes)
Helicopter (Press F1, Yes)
Airplane (Press F1, Yes)
Tank (Press F1, Yes)
Press esc (back to game)
Save in a new slot
Reload save file
Should work.

You need to do this for every upgrade of SB+ which make changes to sr3_city.lua file and of course your own edits to said file.
I've polished a bit my recent passenger/driving thing and figured out how to do this:

You can dance along your followers. While driving a car. Or while riding as a passenger. That's how Saints roll! I couldn't resist to not to release it :)

Here's the code. As you can see it uses much more cleaner approach at making you riding as a passenger. You operate whole driver-passenger thing by SEVEN and PG DN (1st time to activate passenger mode, 2nd time to make your homies driving around city (they won't obey traffic law). If you press SEVEN and PG DN now, you can switch between "agressive" and "passive" driving. Pressing SEVEN and PG DN after leaving the car will make you a driver again.

To make your character and your homies partying (works outside and inside a car as well) press 7 and RIGHT ARROW. Just put some music first!

-- Still WIP!
--paste this one line below "M21_CHOICE_KILLBANE_NOT_UNMASKED = false;"
passenger_activated = 0
--rest of the code
elseif player_action_is_pressed(B_PGDWN) and not SEVEN_PUSHED then
            local myride = get_char_vehicle_name(LOCAL_PLAYER)
            local driver = vehicle_get_driver(myride)
            if (passenger_activated == 0) then
                player_force_vehicle_seat(LOCAL_PLAYER, 1)
                sandboxplus_message("You are a passenger now.\nFind a vehicle, enter it and wait for a fellow driver. Then tap this keybind again.")
                passenger_activated = 1
                elseif (passenger_activated == 2) and get_char_vehicle_name(LOCAL_PLAYER) then
                      player_force_vehicle_seat(LOCAL_PLAYER, 0)
                    sandboxplus_message("Your followers act aggresively.")
                    passenger_activated = 1
                        set_ignore_ai_flag(driver, false)
                        set_ignore_ai_flag("#FOLLOWER2#", false)
                        set_ignore_ai_flag("#FOLLOWER3#", false)
                        set_ignore_ai_flag("#FOLLOWER#", false) --in case of follower's AI problems, change "#FOLLOWER#" to "#FOLLOWER#1" - thank you, daven!
                    elseif (passenger_activated == 2) and not get_char_vehicle_name(LOCAL_PLAYER) then
                    sandboxplus_message("Your're became a driver again. Followers act like new ones.")
                    player_force_vehicle_seat(LOCAL_PLAYER, 1)
                    passenger_activated = 0
                        set_ignore_ai_flag(driver, false)
                        set_ignore_ai_flag("#FOLLOWER2#", false)
                        set_ignore_ai_flag("#FOLLOWER3#", false)
                        set_ignore_ai_flag("#FOLLOWER#", false) --in case of follower's AI problems, change "#FOLLOWER#" to "#FOLLOWER#1" - thank you, daven!
                    if get_char_vehicle_name(LOCAL_PLAYER) and (driver == "#FOLLOWER#") then
                        vehicle_suppress_npc_exit(myride, true)
                        --ai_set_personality("#FOLLOWER#", "civilian normal")
                        set_ignore_ai_flag(driver, true)
                        set_ignore_ai_flag("#FOLLOWER2#", true)
                        set_ignore_ai_flag("#FOLLOWER3#", true)
                        set_ignore_ai_flag("#FOLLOWER#", true) --in case of follower's AI problems, change "#FOLLOWER#" to "#FOLLOWER#1" - thank you, daven!
                        vehicle_set_crazy(myride, true)
                        vehicle_max_speed(myride, 70.0)
                        sandboxplus_message("Let's roll! Homies drive quite well but don't shoot.")
                        passenger_activated = 2
                    sandboxplus_message("You're not in a car or you don't have a driver yet.")
                SEVEN_PUSHED = true
            elseif player_action_is_pressed(B_RIGHT) and not SEVEN_PUSHED then       
set_animation_state(LOCAL_PLAYER, "vehicle surf stand")
            set_animation_state("#FOLLOWER#", "dance a")
            set_animation_state("#FOLLOWER2#", "dance b")
            set_animation_state("#FOLLOWER3#", "dance c")
                            sandboxplus_message("Party time!")
delay(60.0) --tweak its value for longer or shorter effect
                SEVEN_PUSHED = true

EDIT: I'll update this post as soon as I get rid of reported bugs. I think there's no reason for posting every new version in a separate post...
I've polished my recent passenger/driving thing and figured out how to do this:
I Set This to F+[ & F+]
Party Time Freezes all other key binds. Sets the player into surfing mode while crew dances (pressing ESC a few times returns the binds.
Aggresive/Passive works ok.
Can't return to passenger mode after being driven.
Does not work well with ordinary citizens, they tend to stop and bugger off, leaving the player stranded.

Problems occur when dance mode is activated. Perhaps setting the player an active dance animation (rather then a frozen surf) might fix it.
changing this line set_animation_state(LOCAL_PLAYER, "vehicle surf stand") to
set_animation_state(LOCAL_PLAYER, "dance d")
didn't do a lot to fix it but it does look better:) I'm beginning to think it might be my save file as I have had problems like this before (messages staying on screen, lighting going black,fps loss, key binds not working etc). No worries though as I have several saves at similar levels and just swap out my toons to suit.
Ok loaded up another save file. Turning Party Time off is not instant, you have to wait for each member of your crew to stop dancing before you stop dancing. Still cannot return to passenger mode after allocating a driver.

What a dunce! I just saw this (delay(60.0) --tweak its value for longer or shorter effect) I set delay to 10.0 which works quite well and is instant on command. Still the problem of not being able to return to passenger status after using party time or being driven. Even dimissing current crew will not force it and the message "You are not in a car or have not got a driver" persists