Sandbox+ for SRTT

I wasn't able to make my brute flagged sandboxed boss get into a criminal, when trying, it did nothing. However, my brute flagged boss can only get into cars with brute seats and push away objects when walking not running.
I wasn't able to make my brute flagged sandboxed boss get into a criminal, when trying, it did nothing. However, my brute flagged boss can only get into cars with brute seats and push away objects when walking not running.

Yes, that's why there's a note in known issues that says I'm working on it.
just what file does the sandbox+ try to make the engine load, the rigx file or the xtbl file?
just what file does the sandbox+ try to make the engine load, the rigx file or the xtbl file?

Uh, what? It doesn't make the engine load any files at all. It creates a thread to continuously catch keystrokes and then runs code to access engine functions. It's a script; more specifically sr3_city.lua.
yeah, i got it. but what i am asking is about that function:customization_swap_player_rig( )
i just want to understand in order to implement my changes.

And did you make those functions or did you find them somewhere like gamelib.lua?
Some of the functions I created and are in the sr3_city.lua script. Others were pulled from mission scripts, the core lua files, or from the exe itself. If you're looking for parameters on how that customization_swap_player_rig() function works then I can't help you, other than what you see in sr3_city.lua itself.
ey Idol, could you do it possible to add more gang members to follow you, instead of just 3? and also do so i can have upp to 8 people in a the egael? (Not the one whit guns) Cheers mate ;)
Got a bug for you. I spawned the Daedalus, and was flying my black VTOL towards it. As I got near it the flames for the back exhaust disappeared, and it seems I have to land and take off to fix it.

(but flying back to it you'll get the same results)

BTW loving this mod. I was waiting for you IdolNinja to get to modding (loved ur work in SR3 ... I told a friend one time "no mission replayer sucks, but I bet IdolNinja will make one")

UPDATE: I landed on the Daedalus and looked back at my VTOL to see the back thrusters were going off when i wasn't in it (will test more to see if it's only on the ship or not)