Sandbox+ for SRTT

I'm new and i have a question, is it possible to get in Loren's Jet? i have tried X+Up and 6+Right but it kept saying ''THE SAINTS NEED YOU IN STEELPORT'' While i beat the game. Not sure if that's supposed to happen but is it possible?
I'm new and i have a question, is it possible to get in Loren's Jet? i have tried X+Up and 6+Right but it kept saying ''THE SAINTS NEED YOU IN STEELPORT'' While i beat the game. Not sure if that's supposed to happen but is it possible?

Not yet. It's something I'm still working on. It's also noted as a problem in the known issues file that comes with the mod.
Idol's replies are just awesome as fuck everytime I read them XD
Back to sandbox+ it's really weird but awesome that sometimes when I change team to Deckers and cheat a nocturne I get their movements
only when I do it again next time the deckers don't have their swords anymore and my movements are back to normal.
Anybody else an idea what this is?
Idol's replies are just awesome as fuck everytime I read them XD
Back to sandbox+ it's really weird but awesome that sometimes when I change team to Deckers and cheat a nocturne I get their movements
only when I do it again next time the deckers don't have their swords anymore and my movements are back to normal.
Anybody else an idea what this is?

From what I know of the engine, it really shouldn't work like that. How weird. This is pure conjecture, but it sounds like switching teams somehow changes the animation tree from GML1 to whatever the deckers use. Why it would do that is a complete mystery though. They shouldn't be related at all. Maybe certain animations get loaded in for the whole team at certain times as needed?
The keyboard key still don't work?

You mean the problem that you posted about over a month ago (and 13 pages back) that we told you to reset all your bindings? It works correctly for everyone else, so I'm not sure why you are having problems unless you are not following the directions/advice we gave you.
I experienced some problem with the bindings when using a gamepad (i couldn't sprint without being teleported in HQ) but resetting the bindings and changing some made it so i can now play as usual
When I replayed final TTwC mission, after some time sound went crazy. I tried restarting mission and game but that happened again. Yes, I am using IdolNinja's Sound Fix. Help! ;)
P.S. I do not used any Sandbox+ command before and at replaying.
Hm... after that I ended mission sounds back to normal. :confused:
Try removing audio_banks.xtbl completely and see if that fixes it. You won't be able to listen to mission music on foot, but the rest of the onf-foot music should still work.