Sandbox+ for SRTT

I tested with Direct X 9 and it worked just fine with the hadouken. It also works fine for a new character that hasn't done those missions. I just wanted to see if it was something broken with the vanilla game itself. Also, did you already verify integrity and reinstall the mod like I asked you to above?
I reinstalled the mod, didn't know what you meat by verify integrity (didn't see you post this originally, must have skipped over it accidentally), can you clarify?
In Steam, right click on the game in your Library and select Properties. Click the LOCAL FILES tab. Select VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME CACHE. This will effectively double check all the vanilla files and redownload anything corrupt. It will essentially restore you back to vanilla. Also double check that there are no modded files in the root of your install with extensions I mentioned in the previous post.

After everything is back to normal, reinstall sandbox+ and see if the problem persists.
I verified the integrity of game cache and then reinstalled the mod and it still doesn't work :(

in anycase, thanks for your help.

DirectX11 still doesn't work despite this so the same bug that is preventing me from running directx11 might because causing this to not work as well...
I would suggest trying the actual dlc mission then and see if it still has a problem. Try it both with the mod and without. It's going to be the third and final mission of trouble with clones.
just something I noticed while playing, with superpower turned off, whenever I throw a grenade I no longer throw but do the hadouken graphic and out comes the grenade rather then fireball. Not sure if this has anything to do with the crash. I'll play the 3rd mission right now and get back to you afterwards.
Something is seriously wrong then. Are you absolutely certain that you didn't download another super powers mod that switches that out? There was an original release by lenankamp that did that exact very thing.
I installed that one first, but then switched to this one when I found it a few hours later deleting the file of that one and putting this one in its place...
Aha! There's your problem then. You absolutely must have missed one of the files from the previous mod and that is what is causing your issues. Once again, delete all files from the root with the following extension:

Sort by type in your folder so that you are sure you've caught them all. Then reinstall Sandbox+.

Another method is just to simply delete all the files from the root completely including the game ones (leaving the subfolders) and then verify integrity so Steam will download the missing ones. Should be a fairly small download of about 100Mb or so.