Sandbox+ for SRTT

Are you 100% certain that you're actually pressing the right keys?
Wow, looks like I'm an idiot, I forgot the SR3_City.lua file. Sorry for the trouble and thanks for the help.
EDIT: Adding the SR3_City.lua file did nothing. I still get no response when I try to activate commands. I did however join a friends game who had it, and whenever he activated a command, it said "Incorrect Hash Value!!"
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The game completely freezes when I use the hadouken superpower. All other superpowers and commands work, however. Help please!

Do you own the full legal Steam version of the game? Did you install the other superpower mod from this forum that was deprecated when Sandbox+ came out? You can't use them together.
Just a question, I read the 1st post and went on for a few pages and I'm sure the answer is further in but is it safe to save with Sandbox+? (yes probably been discussed)

I also read the known issues file and woot coop! If I am host, then I am god in my save file of Steelport haha. But does the remote player also need Sandbox+ or just the host?
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Just a question, I read the 1st post and went on for a few pages and I'm sure the answer is further in but is it safe to save with Sandbox+? (yes probably been discussed)

I also read the known issues file and woot coop! If I am host, then I am god in my save file of Steelport haha. But does the remote player also need Sandbox+ or just the host?

Yes, it is safe to save. I would still use a new save slot for any mod for any game though, just in case.

Only the host needs Sandbox+ installed.
I crammed all the commands in Sandbox+ into a somewhat decent looking two-page printable cheat sheet. If anyone else wants it, here's the download:

Sandbox++ Commands Cheat Sheet: PDF, DOCX
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