Sandbox+ - Things To Do In Dominatrix Edition

Where shall I put functional cribs?

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Sandbox+ - Things To Do In Steelport Edition (for SR:TT)


This is my completely reworked version of Sandbox+, originally exclusive to Things To Do In Dominatrix mod pack. I decided to release it in a separate thread so everyone can enjoy it. :D
I removed all broken commands and unnecessary temp code - instead I added lots of very useful commands and plenty of customizable settings at the very beginning of 'sr3_city.lua' file.


  • Copy everything from 'Files' folder to your Saints Row IV install folder.
    • TIP: Saints Row IV install folder will be wherever you installed Steam: ..\Steam\SteamApps\common\SaintsRowIV\
  • You'll need to reset your key bindings in order to bind Sandbox+ hotkeys:
    • Go to Menu Options -> Menu Controls -> Menu Set Keys and Buttons and press F1.
      Sandbox+ - instruction 1.jpg
    • Choose 'Yes' if the game asks you are you sure.
    • Now go to Menu Options -> Menu Controls -> Menu Set Keys and Buttons -> Menu General and press F1.
      Sandbox+ - instruction 2.jpg
    • Again, choose 'Yes' if the game asks you are you sure.
  • Done! Enjoy messing around in the simulation!
It's highly recommended to use this mod with Crib Mod (available on Steam Workshop).


This mod is fully compatible with:
  • Erza Scarlet's Image as Design fix turns character lineup menu into Image As Designed menu so it doesn't reset your character.
  • Extra files for Expanded Arsenal Mod:
    • No Dubstep Gun glitch effect removes Dubstep Gun glitch effect completely. It cannot be toggled via LUA command, that's why it's better to just get rid of it.
    • Shitface's lowered glitch effect frequency changes glitch effect values to the ones from shitface's NPC Behaviour.
  • Extra files for vanilla game:
    • Enhanced clone army adds more gang members and vehicles to clone army custom spawning. DO NOT use it with shitface's NPC Behaviour!
    • No Dubstep Gun glitch effect removes Dubstep Gun glitch effect completely. It cannot be toggled via LUA command, that's why it's better to just get rid of it.
    • Shitface's lowered glitch effect frequency changes glitch effect values to the ones from shitface's NPC Behaviour.
You can now load your custom TODX files via R + UP hotkey! I already put one example TOD by Admixon, called 'custom01.todx'. To create your own TOD, simply duplicate his file, rename it to 'custom02', 'custom03', etc., open it via notepad and change whatever you want - everything is smartly arranged so you shouldn't have problems to find what you want. Once you're ready, save your changes, launch the game and use custom TOD cycle hotkey. Your TOD should be displayed right after Admixon's Blue Hell.
Currently there are 15 slots for your TODX files - 'custom15' is the last TOD in the cycle. I also put more detailed explanations in 'sr3_city.lua' file, open it and find 'CYCLE CUSTOM TIMES OF DAY' line if you'd like to know more. :)


    • false (default) disables simulation on-screen glitch effect.
    • true restores the glitch effect so it's just like in the vanilla game.
    • true (default) allows cops to start shooting at you from their vehicles at second notoriety level or higher.
    • false prevents them from shooting at you from their cars. This is the original behavior of the vanilla game.
    • false (default) disables all open world tutorial messages (does not affect missions).
    • true enables tutorial messages.
    • false (default) prevents vehicles from catching fire and exploding when upside down.
    • true makes vehicles explode when upside down.
    • true (default) allows you to use superpower attacks in vehicles. It's a bit buggy but fun.
    • false locks superpower attacks in vehicles.
    • 1 (default) enables Sandbox+ hotkeys. You can use them whenever you want, even during missions.
    • 0 disables all Sandbox+ hotkeys. Use this setting if you would like to start a new game and those hotkeys are too tempting for you.
    • true (default) makes all Sandbox+ commands affect your co-op partner (if co-op is active).
    • false makes Sandbox+ commands affect the host only.
    • true (default) displays Sandbox+ messages every time you use a hotkey. Some hotkeys have unique sound effects too.
    • false disables all Sandbox+ messages and sound effects (except error alerts).
    • true (default) locks notoriety at specified level so it can't be decreased nor increased as long as notoriety cycle is active.
    • false allows notoriety to be decreased/increased depending on player's actions, despite notoriety cycle being active.
  • randomize_music
    • "off" (default) puts all tracks in the order you see them below in the RadioData table.
    • "on" forces all playlists to reshuffle automatically.
  • mixtape
    • true will add the track to your on-foot custom playlist.
    • false (default) will exclude that track from your on-foot custom playlist.
--> HOTKEYS <--
--> Z (recruit/dismiss) - TELEPORTS <--
  • Z + INSERT - Teleport to Zero Saints Thirty - inside base
  • Z + HOME - Teleport to Zero Saints Thirty - outside base
  • Z + PGUP - Teleport to White House - pre-invasion cutscene
  • Z + DELETE - Teleport to White House - pre-invasion press conference
  • Z + END - Teleport to White House 1 - destroyed
  • Z + PGDOWN - Teleport to White House 2 - destroyed
  • Z + RIGHT - Teleport to Pleasantville
  • Z + LEFT - Teleport to The Escape - Ship
  • Z + DOWN - Teleport to The Escape - flying section
  • Z + UP - Teleport to Miller-Space - virtual prison
  • Z + LBRACKET - Teleport to Miller-Space - door choice room
  • Z + RBRACKET - Teleport to Matt Miller Rescue
--> X (taunt) - TELEPORTS <--
  • X + INSERT - Teleport to De Plane 1
  • X + HOME - Teleport to De Plane 2
  • X + PGUP - Teleport to De Plane - On Track Night Club
  • X + DELETE - Teleport to Stilwater
  • X + END - Teleport to From Asha with Love
  • X + PGDOWN - Teleport to 2D Sidescroller (in 3D!)
  • X + RIGHT - Teleport to Gat rescue
  • X + LEFT - Teleport to Kinzie Gambit - Genki turret area
  • X + DOWN - Teleport to Kinzie Gambit - Genki killing floor
  • X + UP - Teleport to All Hands on Deck - Zin ship
  • X + LBRACKET - Teleport to He Lives - Office
  • X + RBRACKET - Teleport to He Lives - Nightmare
--> C (compliment) - TELEPORTS <--
  • C + INSERT - Teleport to Grand Finale - Key escort
  • C + HOME - Teleport to Grand Finale - Armory
  • C + PGUP - Teleport to Grand Finale - Shaft
  • C + DELETE - Teleport to Grand Finale - Throne Room
  • C + END - Teleport to Gat Loyalty - Genki SERC
  • C + PGDOWN - Teleport to Gat Loyalty - Apocalypse Genki
  • C + RIGHT - Teleport to Training Area
  • C + LEFT - Teleport to Super Powered Fight Club
  • C + DOWN - Teleport to Platforming Rift
  • C + UP - Teleport to Speed Rift
  • C + LBRACKET - Teleport to TK Rift
  • C + RBRACKET - Teleport to Penetrator cave
--> F (melee/horn) - TELEPORTS <--
  • F + INSERT - Teleport to sign textures
  • F + HOME - Teleport to Ship
  • F + PGUP - Teleport to Gateway Camano Place
  • F + DELETE - Teleport to Gateway Espina
  • F + END - Teleport to Gateway Henry Steel Mills
  • F + PGDOWN - Teleport to Gateway Loren Square
  • F + RIGHT - Teleport to Gateway Sunset Park
  • F + LEFT - Teleport to Gateway Ashwood
  • F + DOWN - Teleport to Gateway Brickston
  • F + UP - Teleport to Gateway Arapice Island
  • F + LBRACKET - Teleport to Gateway Yearwood
  • F + RBRACKET - Teleport to Gateway Bridgeport
--> G (grenade switch) - TELEPORTS <--
  • G + INSERT - Teleport to inside Paul (Enter the Dominatrix)
  • G + HOME - Teleport to Dominatrix Club (Enter the Dominatrix)
  • G + PGUP - Teleport to Winter Pleasantville (How the Saints Saved Christmas)
  • G + DELETE - Teleport to North Pole (How the Saints Saved Christmas)
  • G + END - Teleport to Santa's Workshop (How the Saints Saved Christmas)
  • G + PGDOWN - Teleport to Winter Steelport - Loren Square (How the Saints Saved Christmas)
  • G + RIGHT - Teleport to Saints HQ ruins
  • G + LEFT - Teleport to Three Count Casino
  • G + DOWN - Teleport to Magarac Island
  • G + UP - Teleport to Let's Pretend secret room
  • G + LBRACKET - Teleport your co-op partner to your location
  • G + RBRACKET - Teleport yourself to your co-op partner location
--> CTRL (crouch) - SPECIAL COMMANDS <--
  • CTRL + INSERT - Toggle superpower movement (once you deactivate it, you can also enable freefall and parachuting from Enter the Dominatrix)
  • CTRL + HOME - Toggle superpower attacks
  • CTRL + PGUP - Toggle superpower attacks in vehicles (enabled by default)
  • CTRL + DELETE - Toggle superpower cooldown
  • CTRL + END - Toggle invulnerable mode and God Mode
  • CTRL + PGDOWN - Cycle Ghost Town modes (no traffic, peds only, vehicles only)
  • CTRL + RIGHT - Sandbox+ on-foot radio - mission playlist
  • CTRL + LEFT - Sandbox+ on-foot radio - Mixtape playlist
  • CTRL + DOWN - Turn off Sandbox+ on-foot radio
  • CTRL + UP - Reshuffle music for Sandbox+ on-foot radio
  • CTRL + LBRACKET - Toggle glitched pedestrians
  • CTRL + RBRACKET - Toggle gravity for the player
--> E (action/use) - SPECIAL COMMANDS <--
  • E + INSERT - Enable all weapon slots and dismissing/recruiting homies (break the mission)
  • E + HOME - Cycle animation swaps (2D Sidescroller, Murderbot, Pleasantville walk, streaking, zombie, drunk)
  • E + PGUP - Cycle drunk states
  • E + DELETE - Cycle drug effects
  • E + END - Toggle glitch effect (disabled by default)
  • E + PGDOWN - Toggle Virtual Reality effect
  • E + RIGHT - Attach explosions to the player
  • E + LEFT - Revive all downed followers
  • E + DOWN - Decrease player height
  • E + UP - Increase player height
  • E + LBRACKET - Cycle teams (police, Zin, Saints)
  • E + RBRACKET - Cycle weapon sets for followers (gang, police, laser, unarmed)
* NOTE: Both Increase player height and decrease player height are each a separate cycle of sizes. If you keep going (increasing or decreasing) it will eventually reset back to default height and start the cycle anew.

--> R (reload) - SPECIAL COMMANDS <--
  • R + INSERT - Cycle custom spawning (zombies, Pimps and Hos, mascots, Rift Glitch, clone army, Pleasantville traffic)
  • R + HOME - Cycle custom notoriety (Pleasantville police, clone army, mascots, Brotherhood, survival glitched, survival mascots, survival bikers, survival strippers)
  • R + PGUP - Cycle Zin notoriety locks/increase Zin notoriety
  • R + DELETE - Spawn Warden instantly/reset Warden notoriety
  • R + END - Toggle Slew mode (free camera; once you enable it, you can also hide the player and your vehicle)
  • R + PGDOWN - Reset all time of day cycles
  • R + RIGHT - Cycle Saints Row IV times of day
  • R + LEFT - Cycle Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell times of day
  • R + DOWN - Cycle Saints Row: The Third times of day
  • R + UP - Cycle custom times of day (15 slots for your own TODX files!)
  • R + LBRACKET - Toggle police shooting from vehicles (enabled by default)
  • R + RBRACKET - Toggle Warden notoriety
--> 1 - CUTSCENES <--
  • 1 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - Zero Saints Thirty - Intro
  • 1 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - The Saints Wing - Intro
  • 1 + PGUP - Replay Cutscene - The Saints Wing - Press Conference
  • 1 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - The Saints Wing - Ship Crash
  • 1 + END - Replay Cutscene - A Pleasant Day - Outro
  • 1 + PGDOWN - Replay Cutscene - The Real World - Platform Rescue
  • 1 + RIGHT - Replay Cutscene - The Real World - Outro
  • 1 + LEFT - Replay Cutscene - Ghost in the Machine - Intro
  • 1 + DOWN - Replay Cutscene - Miller-Space - Intro
  • 1 + UP - Replay Cutscene - Miller-Space - Outro
  • 1 + LBRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Miller-Space - Matt Miller Flashback
  • 1 + RBRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Matt's Back - Intro
--> 2 - CUTSCENES <--
  • 2 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - Matt's Back - Outro
  • 2 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - Back by Popular Demand - Intro
  • 2 + PGUP - Replay Cutscene - Back by Popular Demand - Outro
  • 2 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - The Boss Goes to Washington - Intro
  • 2 + END - Replay Cutscene - The Boss Goes to Washington - Outro
  • 2 + PGDOWN - Replay Cutscene - The Boss Goes to Washington - Pierce Flashback
  • 2 + RIGHT - Replay Cutscene - King of Stilwater - Intro
  • 2 + LEFT - Replay Cutscene - King of Stilwater - Outro
  • 2 + DOWN - Replay Cutscene - King of Stilwater - Ben King flashback
  • 2 + UP - Replay Cutscene - From Asha with Love - Intro
  • 2 + LBRACKET - Replay Cutscene - From Asha with Love - Asha Flashback
  • 2 + RBRACKET - Replay Cutscene - The Very Next Day - Intro
--> 3 - CUTSCENES <--
  • 3 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - The Very Next Day - Mid
  • 3 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - The Very Next Day - Outro
  • 3 + PGUP - Replay Cutscene - The Very Next Day - Gat Flashback
  • 3 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - The Kinzie Gambit - Intro
  • 3 + END - Replay Cutscene - All Hands on Deck - Intro
  • 3 + PGDOWN - Replay Cutscene - All Hands on Deck - Outro
  • 3 + RIGHT - Replay Cutscene - He Lives - Intro
  • 3 + LEFT - Replay Cutscene - He Lives - Mid
  • 3 + DOWN - Replay Cutscene - He Lives - Outro
  • 3 + UP - Replay Cutscene - The Girl Who Hates the 50s - Outro
  • 3 + LBRACKET - Replay Cutscene - We Have the Technology - Intro
  • 3 + RBRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Batteries not Included - Intro
--> 4 - CUTSCENES <--
  • 4 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Intro
  • 4 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Part 1 Intro
  • 4 + PGUP - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Part 2 Mid
  • 4 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Part 3 Intro
  • 4 + END - Replay Cutscene - Punch the Shark - Outro
  • 4 + PGDOWN - Replay Cutscene - Ben King Loyalty
  • 4 + RIGHT - Replay Cutscene - Asha Loyalty
  • 4 + LEFT - Replay Cutscene - Johnny Gat Loyalty
  • 4 + DOWN - Replay Cutscene - Kinzie Loyalty
  • 4 + UP - Replay Cutscene - Mat Miller Loyalty
  • 4 + LBRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Pierce Loyalty
  • 4 + RBRACKET - Replay Cutscene - Shaundi Loyalty
  • 5 + INSERT - Replay Cutscene - Data Clusters
  • 5 + HOME - Replay Cutscene - Hot spots
  • 5 + PGUP - Replay Cutscene - Hacking
  • 5 + DELETE - Replay Cutscene - Platforming Rift
  • 5 + END - Replay Cutscene - Speed Rift
  • 5 + PGDOWN - Replay Cutscene - TK Rift
  • 5 + RIGHT - Replay Cutscene - Mind Over Murder Intro
  • 5 + LEFT - Replay Cutscene - Blazing
  • 5 + DOWN - Replay Cutscene - Super Power Fight Club
  • 5 + UP - Toggle Sandbox+ messages and sound effects
  • 5 + LBRACKET - Toggle HUD
  • 5 + RBRACKET - Show player position (xyz)
  • 6 + INSERT - Reset Kinzie's Warehouse Hotspot
  • 6 + HOME - Reset Steelport Arena Hotspot
  • 6 + PGUP - Reset Angel's Gym Hotspot
  • 6 + DELETE - Reset Luchadores' tower Hotspot
  • 6 + END - Reset Deckers' tower Hotspot
  • 6 + PGDOWN - Reset Safeword Hotspot
  • 6 + RIGHT - Reset all zones to default (does not affect Hotspots)
  • 6 + LEFT - Switch notoriety cycle mode (so it locks notoriety at specified level or simply increases notoriety level)
  • 6 + DOWN - Toggle restricted zones
  • 6 + UP - Toggle ambient cop spawn
  • 6 + LBRACKET - Toggle co-op commands (other commands will affect your co-op partner if enabled)
  • 6 + RBRACKET - Toggle tutorial popups (disabled by default; does not affect missions!)
  • 7 + INSERT - Activate Terminal Z-01 menu (weather changes will be applied once you exit the simulation and enter it again)
  • 7 + HOME - Activate text adventure from Miller-Space
  • 7 + PGUP - Activate Image As Designed menu
  • 7 + DELETE - Activate Let's Pretend menu (contains most of clothing in the game)
  • 7 + END - Activate Gateway menu
  • 7 + PGDOWN - Activate Rusty's Needle menu
  • 7 + RIGHT - Activate vendor menu (buy Loa Dust to walk through walls!)
  • 7 + LEFT - Activate Friendly Fire menu
  • 7 + DOWN - Toggle ASCII mode
  • 7 + UP - Cycle reticle overrides
  • 7 + LBRACKET - Give $100,000 cash
  • 7 + RBRACKET - Toggle insane followers (followers will aggressively attack all pedestrians)
  • 8 + INSERT - Repair player vehicle
  • 8 + HOME - Toggle invulnerability for player vehicle
  • 8 + PGUP - Toggle infinite mass for player vehicle
  • 8 + DELETE - Toggle kneecappers for player vehicle
  • 8 + END - Toggle lights for player vehicle
  • 8 + PGDOWN - Toggle unjackable status for player vehicle
  • 8 + RIGHT - Toggle no-flip mode for player vehicle
  • 8 + LEFT - Toggle vehicles exploding when upside down (disabled by default)
  • 8 + DOWN - Toggle Trail Blazing mode for player vehicle (vehicle is on fire but won't explode)
  • 8 + UP - Detonate player vehicle
  • 8 + LBRACKET - Cycle passenger modes where followers drive you around
  • 8 + RBRACKET - Playa dance party (does not work for followers)
* NOTE: The passenger modes work a little differently than you might expect:
  1. Recruit a follower.
  2. Press 8 + LBRACKET to enable passenger mode.
  3. Enter a vehicle (you should automatically enter the passenger seat when you get in).
  4. Press 8 + LBRACKET to teleport follower into driver seat.
  5. Press 8 + LBRACKET to start follower driving in Smooth Ride mode.
  6. Press 8 + LBRACKET again to switch to Drive-By mode where follower will shoot at NPCs while driving.
  7. Further repeated pressing of 8 + LBRACKET while in the vehicle will simply cycle between these 2 modes.
  8. Exit vehicle and then press 8 + LBRACKET to disable passenger mode.
I also created Steam guide with full list of hotkeys so you can view it in-game via Steam overlay.


  • Parachuting doesn't work properly (parachute and animations aren't preloaded).
  • Drunk state will leave the drink prop in your hand even after deactivating. You can get rid of it by falling, crashing into something or reloading a weapon.
  • You may have to go a block or two for the custom spawns to kick in.
  • Some cutscene replays will trigger a mission complete screen after they end. You should be able to continue on afterwards.
--> CREATORS <--
--> CREDITS <--
  • Admixon - I used his Blue Hell TOD as example in custom TOD cycle and he sent me few commands (such as superpower attacks in vehicles or vehicle lights toggle).
  • Erza Scarlet - for his Hotspot reset commands, Image as Design fix and Wear simulation clothing while on ship (HTSSC patch).
  • flow754 - for testing co-op features with me.
  • shitface - for parts of his NPC Behaviour (weather files and lowered glitch effect frequency) and less TODs add-on from SR4 Ultimate Mod Compilation, which helped me with removing broken TODs from the cycle.
  • SkaterSaints (banned for piracy) - I used some stuff from his version of Sandbox+ (new animations for Playa dance party, Ghost Town modes cycle, break the mission command).
  • ThatsMe - for testing co-op features with me.

Updated on the 18th December 2016.


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And here comes another update, V1.2. It's a bit bigger than the last one. :)

  • Parachuting toggle isn't a separate command anymore. You can now enable freefall and parachuting via superpower movement hotkey (deactivate superpower movement and press the same hotkey twice afterwards to enable parachuting).
  • Remapped few commands. After removing parachuting hotkey I had to swap few hotkeys around so everything is smartly arranged.
  • Notoriety lock cycle disables golden CID. From now on there's no way to disable forced notoriety without resetting it via Sandbox+ command (this change doesn't affect regular notoriety cycle which doesn't lock notoriety).
  • Added completely new command - detonate player vehicle (8 + UP). Player doesn't die after vehicle explosion in Saints Row IV so I decided to add a command which blows up player vehicle instantly.
V1.3 has been released! It's a major update. :D

  • Added new setting - THREECOUNT_SAINTS (enabled by default). It turns Three Count Casino into Saints crib once you complete the storyline!
  • Replaced teleport to Enter the Dominatrix Three Count Casino Crib exterior with Three Count Casino state toggle. You can now toggle Luchadores' Casino and Saints Crib states (works only once you complete the storyline!).
  • Teleport to Three Count Crib interior works only once you complete the storyline. That's because of THREECOUNT_SAINTS setting.
  • Remapped few teleports. Three Count commands are now assigned to G + LBRACKET (teleport to Three Count Crib interior) and G + RBRACKET (toggle Three Count Casino state).
  • All teleports clean up other zones automatically. This way you won't have to reset all zones manually every time you teleport somewhere.
  • POLICE_DRIVEBY setting and police shooting from vehicles toggle work only once you complete The Fundamentals. This way police won't be shooting at you from vehicles during first four missions.
  • VEHICLE_SUPERPOWERS setting and superpower attacks in vehicles toggle work only once you complete Hot and Cold. This way you cannot throw Freeze blasts from vehicles before unlocking superpowers.
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would be that possible to add something like gta san andreas interiors?
marker that teleports automaticly to the interior when three count casino saints version is active
...and I released another update, V1.4. Enjoy! :p

  • Reworked THREECOUNT_SAINTS setting. You still have to complete the storyline to make it turn Three Count Casino into Saints crib at startup but it doesn't affect teleport to Three Count Crib interior nor Three Count Casino state toggle anymore (you can use those two commands whenever you want, yet before completing the storyline).
  • Fixed teleport to Three Count Crib interior. Sometimes it just didn't work for some reason, this version should fix that.
  • POLICE_DRIVEBY setting doesn't have mission restrictions anymore. It now affects all missions, including tutorial ones. This way the game is a bit harder. ;)
  • Custom notoriety cycle disables golden CID. This way you can't disable custom notoriety without resetting it via Sandbox+ command.
  • Arranged all settings in alphabetical order. This way it looks a bit smarter.
would be that possible to add something like gta san andreas interiors?
marker that teleports automaticly to the interior when three count casino saints version is active
Well, I wanted to port Quantum's Working Elevators mod from Saints Row: The Third and create teleportation point outside Three Count building (so you could teleport inside by holding action button while standing in front of it) but no matter what I did, it always crashed the game at loading screen. I already contacted with Quantum and he said that he'll try himself once he has some time. :)
Havin' lots of fun with my Sandbox+ in co-op! I played with ThatsMe, thank you. :D
Those screenshots show passenger mode command, ported from Saints Row: The Third version of Sandbox+. A small tribute to BadMadScientist, God rest his soul.