Season pass now on Steam

I think you're probably safe. Keep in mind that Volition left out both the Bloodsucker pack and the Unlockable pack from the SRTT full package based on negative fan feedback. I don't think they would actually force something like that again as part of any package.

You're probably right. And I'm down with throwing some dollars at Voilition for just about anything really...just cause they're a cool dev house. Though to be frank I'm kinda getting a little licking my own ears crazy here trying to avoid all the pre-release lets plays going on, on Youtube.
at least its not locked on the disc. that pissed me off with sr3. (i still like what was on there, just why would you lock parts of the game out?!?)
i like the idea of adding in more outfits to spice things up.
at least its not locked on the disc. that pissed me off with sr3. (i still like what was on there, just why would you lock parts of the game out?!?)
i like the idea of adding in more outfits to spice things up.

The thing that a lot of people don't realize about on-disc content is that there is often a second separate team (or even an outside company) dedicated solely to working on dlc, and the studio actually saves a ton of money if they don't have to send out additional content patches after release. Microsoft charges a pretty large chunk of change for post-release updates. It makes a lot of financial sense to release SRTT the way it was. It's a shame that the fan perception of the process is kind of skewed and there is so much backlash over it.
The thing that a lot of people don't realize about on-disc content is that there is often a second separate team (or even an outside company) dedicated solely to working on dlc, and the studio actually saves a ton of money if they don't have to send out additional content patches after release. Microsoft charges a pretty large chunk of change for post-release updates. It makes a lot of financial sense to release SRTT the way it was. It's a shame that the fan perception of the process is kind of skewed and there is so much backlash over it.

Yea, you can probably thank Capcom for that. I know people with modded Xboxes that were able to unlock fully functional DLC characters months before they were slated to release. They were even able to unlock the PS3 exclusive Megaman and Pacman characters on the Xbox. No one likes being locked out of content that, in their eyes, they've already paid for, myself included. What's at fault here is that most people are still working on the "If it's in my hands, I own it" mentality while the world has been on a "You're buying a license to use this, you don't actually own it" mentality for a few years now.

Volition is a bit guilty of the above, as well, but I am willing to forgive and forget because SR1 and SR2 were complete games without the DLC and we weren't nickel and dimed after release with them, but when SR3 was coming out THQ was in dire straits and they were trying everything they could to milk more money out of the consumer. Hell they were giving away the season pass with preorders directly from the THQ website for chrissake, and I bet the main reason they did that was because they wanted people to order directly from them so they wouldn't have to pay the extra costs to ship all the copies out to stores and they could take a bigger cut of cash. With THQ out of the picture, I'm hoping that the DLC front will calm down a bit.
The fact that the season pass is half the cost at $10 is also a good sign. I don't mind seeing a lot of dlc, but the SRTT stuff did seem really overpriced for what you got.

Also, selling cheat codes as dlc really rubbed me the wrong way.
... but when SR3 was coming out THQ was in dire straits and they were trying everything they could to milk more money out of the consumer.

Lots of wisdom and truth coming out of this guy.
The fact that the season pass is half the cost at $10 is also a good sign. I don't mind seeing a lot of dlc, but the SRTT stuff did seem really overpriced for what you got.

Also, selling cheat codes as dlc really rubbed me the wrong way.
hey idol. will you be posting cheats for us on launch day? (im a lazy fucker. i know. XD i just dont like waiting to be mr baddass.... )
another fun fact: sr4 comes out exactly a month before my b-day. so, naturally, i got it as an early birthday present to me. the seasons pass looks cheap so ill knock that off the checklist early on tonight. im just glad this shit isnt on the disc (hence i cant complain on-disc dlc, which is a contradiction in and of itself)
hey idol. will you be posting cheats for us on launch day? (im a lazy fucker. i know. XD i just dont like waiting to be mr baddass.... )
another fun fact: sr4 comes out exactly a month before my b-day. so, naturally, i got it as an early birthday present to me. the seasons pass looks cheap so ill knock that off the checklist early on tonight. im just glad this shit isnt on the disc (hence i cant complain on-disc dlc, which is a contradiction in and of itself)

Well... I'm trying to keep it a surprise... (but yes, all cheat codes plus a cheat code mod.) :D
Well... I'm trying to keep it a surprise... (but yes, all cheat codes plus a cheat code mod.) :D
fuck yeah idol :D
btw this will be playing when i am fully powered up
(skip to 1:00)