When you open '...\SR4ShinyClothes_1.0\Installer' you should see 4 maps and 1 file
(the 'ShinyClothes4MC-Installer').
View attachment 4869
The mod you 'll prepare with the 'ShinyClothes4MC-Installer' will be stored here, ready to be copied to the SR4 root folder.
* shine_clothes:
This is the map where the modded files are archived.
* temp_workspace:
This map should be present for preparations when using the 'ShinyClothes4MC-Installer'.
* tools:
Minimauls SR4 tools are stored here.
If one of those maps is missing, then something 's gone wrong and I suggest you download 'SR4ShinyClothes_1.0' again.
When you open 'SR4ShinyClothes_1.1' (an update for 'SR4ShinyClothes_1.0'), the thing you have to do is to copy the map 'Installer' over that one of 'SR4ShinyClothes_1.0'.
You will get a message with the question to overwrite existing files, answer 'yes' to all of them.