Shiny clothes for the main character

My fault. I meant to use the fixed textures of the "Steelport Gangs DLC fixes" mod and retextured a bit myself (removing the fishnets etc.).
Eventually I was a bit careless :confused: and used the textures of the glitchy vanilla version when I repacked the *.str2_pc files. I 've uploaded the files again with the fixed textures this time.

I 'm afraid this need some mesh editing to get it done. I think I 've seen a topic here about importing 3D meshes into 3DS Max, but as far as I know there 's no way (yet) to export those back (without any issues) into the game.
I 've tried another way by altering the alpha channel of the texture 's diffuse map, but unfortunatly without any result. It is possible to recolor that top though.

The spec. settings can only be changed with the hex editor (for now). Sometimes I do some retexturing too when the texture of the normal map is too rough, then I smooth it out a bit to get better results.

It 's like IdolNinja said. Someone mentioned before that his friend, who he was playing coop with, couldn 't see him in ingame. "Won 't work" may be exaggerated, but it will cause glitches.
I 've never played the game in coop before though, so I cannot provide you with a solution for this issue.
About the "customize_item.asm_pc" file, if you use this mod with other mods that also make use of this file, then there 's a chance the game might crash at certain points.

Thank you for the answers, to bad about the top, i hope it can be changed eventually.

Thank you for the quick fix ;)

Is it possible to add a few lines in the customization item to change the top color?
Hey Guys =)
When I install the leather version my game crashes during loading my last saved game, the wet look version works for me *head scratchin*
I also use your shiny clothes with last update... Any Ideas ?
I 've tested the mod and the game also crashed here. Something has gone wrong with the asm_pc file of the leatherlook version. Strange, I was so sure I 've tested it before uploading.

I 've replaced the faulty mod (#98) and it should be fixed now, sorry for the discomfort.
Slight problem... the last version of the install has the Three Count Top, Fancy Fishnets, and Gang Smash Booties in the install .bat file you run, however the folders for them are not in the "shine clothes" folder.

I just copied the folders over from the previous version and it worked fine :) Just lettin anyone know who was wondering why they weren't workin in the newest one.

Thanks again SuperDermus you are totally awesome for doing this. :)
Just a thought too, would the "strapped suit" from Leather and Lace work for shiny? I think it already is a little shiny (you can tell when you use lighter colors) , it probably just needs the specular value increased. Haha then I could make my goth/industrial boy character look really nifty.

That and the Music Junkie top or "Sexy Cowgirl Pants" (from Let's Pretend) would be super cool too...I really should learn to shut my mouth when I think I had a "final request". :p Once again I appreciate all the hard work here, thank you again!

EDIT: Unless you were planning on it anyway I'd like to scrap the request for the leather and lace wrist guards and mizunderstood choker...I don't think they'd be noticeable or important enough to take up your time on.
Slight problem... the last version of the install has the Three Count Top, Fancy Fishnets, and Gang Smash Booties in the install .bat file you run, however the folders for them are not in the "shine clothes" folder.:)
Yep, those clothes are missing together with the combat pants and the oktoberfest skirt. I 've just noticed it myself while modding those dlc clothes. Unfortunatly I haven 't had time yet to prepare a fix for this issue, it 's the first thing on my to do list the moment I get back to it.

Perhaps you can help me with this. While not aware of those missing files, I 've deleted my previous updates from my hard disk. Unless someone uploads those missing files, I have to recreate them back from scratch. Those are the maps with the files I need:

Thanks in advance!
superdemus said:
I 've tested the mod and the game also crashed here. Something has gone wrong with the asm_pc file of the leatherlook version. Strange, I was so sure I 've tested it before uploading.

I 've replaced the faulty mod (#98) and it should be fixed now, sorry for the discomfort.

Leather version works now, thanks for fixing m8, looks really great !
Is the latest 5/11 build all inclusive with all current updates? If so, it may be a good idea to remove the previous attachments from the OP to avoid any confusion.

Also, loving the better leather. Looks absolutely amazing.