Shiny clothes for the main character

Makes sense as to the mesh vs texture problem with the Rebel Vest. I had just forgotten what exactly the Wild Child leggings looked like but you're right they are just a texture. :) too bad though, would have been a neat deal with the vest if it could have been done. I really do wish the clothing options were a little better in SR3 like they were in SR2. Maybe since clothing movement is dynamic in SR3 it would be too much to have a 3 layer system like Sr2.
Before you came out with this awsome mod I often used the Golfer Pants on my female character. I think the Golfer Pants would look fantastic with the leather look. If you have the time I would also like to see how the Disco fever shirt and Cowboy shirt would look in leather.

Thank's for the great work you put into this. It certainly makes SR3 more fun to play.
just a AWESOME mod now leather looks as leather just cooler XD but i was thinking on will you make a update so it works wtih Ultor’s elite outfit from Money Shot Pack dlc and wtih the Warrior Pack dlc wtih the Warrior Princess outfit and Space Princess outfit?
anyone can explain me how to install this?
If i run "01 - ShinyClothingBuilder.bat" it says that temp working folder doesnt exist :s
I love this mod, thank you very much! :D

But I think some other clothes should be shiny too:

- Bondage pants
- Kickstand pants
- Safeword pants
- Hipster jeans (maybe, I'm not sure if these jeans would look good in leather)

Also I think some textures should NOT be shiny, like the shirt below the Biker jacket / Biker babe jacket.

Great mod anyways. :p