Shitface & Fan of Saints' Expanded Arsenal Mod

I love you
I also love that pirate counter you added.
By the by, not sure if it works because the pixel stuff is still there
I did get a stripper cop
And no, I'm not a pirate.
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Nope. And I've noticed that other people who have this error pirated said game. But I'd gladly prove that I own it.
That's really strange. I have no idea what else could be the reason. Could you upload a screenshot of your SR IV install folder?
Any word yet on a fix for the right analog click teleporting you to the platforming rift when using a gamepad?
Hm, I think I have an idea. I can try to make a temporary fix with Sandbox+ features and working Satchel Charges but without RC Possessor controls. I'll try to release it tomorrow, you'll have to test it yourself.
Guys How do I get the weapons i looked in friendly fire gateway thing but i cant see the weapons wat do u need to do to get it?
You need to complete certain mission to unlock every weapon added in this mod. I listed them in the OP. You should find the weapon in the Friendly Fire after completing required mission.
I love you
I also love that pirate counter you added.
By the by, not sure if it works because the pixel stuff is still there
I did get a stripper cop
And no, I'm not a pirate.
Do you have Shitface's NPC Behaviour? His mod adds stripper cops and tweak_table.xtbl included in it restores pixelization.
Here's a temporary fix for the controllers. I can't test it myself because I don't own controller so tell me whether it works or not. It might break Satchel Charges and/or RC Possessor controls but all Sandbox+ hotkeys and the cruise control should work fine.

UPDATE: This fix has been included in V1.9.4.
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I've just released the final update for this mod - V1.9.4. I'm not going to continue it anymore (unless there will be new SDK release) - check out version for Saints Row: Gat out of Hell which will be released very soon. :)

  • Included temporary fix for the controllers (nobody wrote whether it works or not so I assume it does).
  • Removed all entries from TableTemplates section in all included files (the game doesn't load this section at all so those entries were completely unnecessary).
  • Cleaned up the uninstaller (I erased all files which have been removed from the mod).
Thanks for the controller fix. I haven't tested all the weapons yet, but C4 still works. The only thing I've found that doesn't work anymore with the fix is the self destruct button for the rc possesor, but I'm more than happy giving that up for this fix. Thanks again. Now I can safely nutkick people again without teleporting to that god forsaken platforming rift. :P