Shitface & Fan of Saints' Expanded Arsenal Mod

Any fix for that right analog click yet by chance?

Until he finds a permanenet fix you could just remove Control binding and scheme files from your SR4 install directory. This kills the man. I mean....sandbox features or it will make them broken but you can always put them back if you wanna use that mod.
EDIT: It'll break cruise control and satchels but uhh...Who remembered those two features in this game again?

I never used Hex Editor so I have no idea how to do this, sorry. I don't have time to learn this right now.

Well shit. I guess I'll just start a new game at some point. On a seperate note STEAM says ive spent 37 hours playing both Saints row IV and 3 each. Weird, I guess each of these games had the exact same amount of playtime for me.
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Until he finds a permanenet fix you could just remove Control binding and scheme files from your SR4 install directory. This kills the man. I mean....sandbox features or it will make them broken but you can always put them back if you wanna use that mod.
Deleting those files will completely break cruise control, satchel charges and all Sandbox+ features.
Nope. And I've noticed that other people who have this error pirated said game. But I'd gladly prove that I own it.