Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod

Is there a way to get just the RC Possessor unlimited range?
I don't want any of the other changes, just unlimited range on the RC possessor. Already i use the Sandbox+ mod. But too many mods just gets me all messed up. Since i have trouble keeping track of each mod's files.
P.S. 'tweak_table.xtbl' file you can get from here: ;)
Posted a new update- 2.9 improves the physics on some props and changes the level 4 satchel into a present!

Okay, I have to admit that present satchel is pretty awesome.
Posted a new update- 2.9 improves the physics on some props and changes the level 4 satchel into a present!

View attachment 2646
So...will the present's 3d model "stick" to someone's head a la the original satchel charge?

If so, we should create an award, and give it to you. That's fuckin' hysterical.

If you could add in the audio from when the present arrives in the Genki activities ...

Can you edit the Stun Gun, so it doesn't ragdoll the player? Heck, I'm using this with your A.I behavior mod, and EVERYBODY has it, and it's getting annoying when somebody ragdolls me 3 times in a row, before I even spot who the hell is shooting.
I feel like the better solution would be to either decrease the range it has or make the increased firing rate an upgrade so that only you have access to it. It's been a while since I played SR3, so some changes could've been made to this mod since then, but last I did, it was a pain when one cop could keep me on the ground with his stungun while the other relentlessly killed me with a shotgun. And they both did this from halfway across the street and with pinpoint accuracy, so there's no way I could've closed the gap in time.
How do I go around giving the heavy weapons their original walking speed? It's a huge turn-off for me seeing my character awkwardly slide while walking because of the animation mismatch.

Sounds really picky but it's the only reason I can't keep this mod, even though I want to.