Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod

Could you make them really really inaccurate SMGs and still accomplish the goal?
Modifying the spread, rate of fire and ammo per shot may work..

That could work but it would result in a really high ammo counter when I think about how it would be done.
That could work but it would result in a really high ammo counter when I think about how it would be done.
Acceptable drawback considering the benefits gained.

If you also consider that Ammo is sold per full clip-size and not per bullet, it wouldn't affect the net average cost per trigger-pull of the ammo at all.

Just thought of something else... the time between "trigger pulls" would need to be increased as well to lessen the effects you get from the unlimited ammo upgrades in late-game.
Hello everyone, just registered in this forum and got a question regarding this mod.
Quote: "-NPCs take much more damage from falling, or from getting hit by cars or other props."
What file do I have to delete or which lines do I have to change to undo this? Also It seems that this change also affects the players. I take much more dmg when I get hit by a car now.

Next one: It seems like your mod sets the players cash to Zero when the player dies. I tested this by removing all of my mod files and adding them one by one, starting the game just to die and check my cash. When your mod was the only active mod my cash was gone after I died. Had 4400 cash, the starter money. Is that intended?

Edit: Just looked into the code, seems like you set the amount of cash the player loses to 10000 on death.

I don't quite understand where all these settings are stored so maybe if you could give me a hint or do some optionals would be really cool. I would like to remove the increased falling/bumping dmg vs npcs and the default value (if possible in %, like 20% loss) of money lost on death.
Hello everyone, just registered in this forum and got a question regarding this mod.
Quote: "-NPCs take much more damage from falling, or from getting hit by cars or other props."
What file do I have to delete or which lines do I have to change to undo this? Also It seems that this change also affects the players. I take much more dmg when I get hit by a car now.

Next one: It seems like your mod sets the players cash to Zero when the player dies. I tested this by removing all of my mod files and adding them one by one, starting the game just to die and check my cash. When your mod was the only active mod my cash was gone after I died. Had 4400 cash, the starter money. Is that intended?

Edit: Just looked into the code, seems like you set the amount of cash the player loses to 10000 on death.

I don't quite understand where all these settings are stored so maybe if you could give me a hint or do some optionals would be really cool. I would like to remove the increased falling/bumping dmg vs npcs and the default value (if possible in %, like 20% loss) of money lost on death.

Everything you mentioned is controlled via tweak_table.xtbl. Use winmerge to compare it to the default one and see what I changed.
The problem with the money on death loss is I can't seem to edit it to any percent, cause it only accepts whole numbers like 1000 or 5000 etc. Do you have any idea how to get it to work with %?
Posted one more update for this that reduces the amount of damage shotguns can do to vehicles. They were a bit OP in previous versions. I also decided to get rid of vehicle crushing for every heavy truck except for the moving truck, dump truck, and cement mixer. So, just delete any .xtbl file in your SR3 folder that begins with "truck" before you install.
Hey so I just installed the latest version of your weapon mod here, and for some reason I've lost the ability to use my vampire ability in game. I've got the vampire DLC, obviously, my character is level 47 (beating out the level 3 requirement for the ability) but for some reason I just can't purchase it from my phone, the option is grayed out and has a lock icon next to it. Any ideas?