Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod

Are you running the Steam version of Saints Row 3? Have any other mods installed?

Yes to former, no to latter. I learned that there will be conflict after reading tons of thread, so i removed every .xtbl each time before i try a new mod. So far now i tried weather mod v5.3 and extended taunts and no problem. Now trying sandbox++ so far working well other than mods that require specific DLCs.
I got game breaking bug after I installed this mod :(. When i was doing Steelport here I am and went to planet saints my shirt turned to some gray shirt (I can get screenshot if you want) and i couldn't change any of my clothes and when i removed all clothes I still had that gray shirt and can't equip anything else. I loaded other save and i couldn't change my pants so I decided to quit. I'm not sure if it is because of this mod but nothing like this happened to me before.

Restarting didn't work first time but second time it worked
Ok, so I have been using the GoS of this, along with Togo-13(killshot) upgrades, and couple of other manually added gun mods with no issues.

Game works fine with JUST this overwriting the needed files, but when I add the killshot upgrades the game crashes before it gets to the menu, any tips or help would be appreciated! Added sad panda physics and removed overheating from Stag weapons with no issues so far, I have a couple more I still need to try & I'll update this post.
Ok, so I have been using the GoS of this, along with Togo-13(killshot) upgrades, and couple of other manually added gun mods with no issues.

Game works fine with JUST this overwriting the needed files, but when I add the killshot upgrades the game crashes before it gets to the menu, any tips or help would be appreciated! Added sad panda physics and removed overheating from Stag weapons with no issues so far, I have a couple more I still need to try & I'll update this post.
zomg update

This update adds a flame upgrade to the nocturne. Burn and cut your foes at once! Wow!

