Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod

Man i downloaded this re-balance mod, but when i come to friendly fire and starting to buy, the game stuck on a black screen ? what should i do?
Man i downloaded this re-balance mod, but when i come to friendly fire and starting to buy, the game stuck on a black screen ? what should i do?

1. Are you using the steam version of SR3?

2. Did you install everything according to the instructions in the readme?

3. Which other mods are you using?

Also, posted another update which gives each weapon its own ammo type, except for conventional shotguns, for added realism. Now you can no longer refill an AK rifle with AR bullets, or a .45 shepherd with 9mm pistol ammo.
Well im running in nonsteam version, is that not compatible with the non steam?

These pirates never learn that most of the mods on this site will not work correctly with their cracked version of the game.
Love this mod, but I am getting flash-banged constantly in police fights. When swat shows up it gets ridiculous; the screen never comes back from somewhat white while flash-bangs go off every two seconds or less. I just saw 4 or 5 in a second in a big three way fight. Is there a way I can reduce or eliminate this?

edit: Oh and I have been melee stun locked by NPCs, they can beat me to death and I'm seemingly helpless. Doesn't happen often, but can their melee "recharge" be delayed?
Love this mod, but I am getting flash-banged constantly in police fights. When swat shows up it gets ridiculous; the screen never comes back from somewhat white while flash-bangs go off every two seconds or less. I just saw 4 or 5 in a second in a big three way fight. Is there a way I can reduce or eliminate this?

edit: Oh and I have been melee stun locked by NPCs, they can beat me to death and I'm seemingly helpless. Doesn't happen often, but can their melee "recharge" be delayed?
same for me on both those counts. i'd like to reduce the appearance of cops w/ flash bang launchers. and also reduce civilian melee damage w/ bats and dildos. i think i remember reading that melee damage is disproportionately high in the vanilla game, but i'm almost maxed and 3 hits from an old lady w/ a bat just about kills me (and she's waaay too fast with the hits lol). yet i can stand in front of a brute w/ minigun and take 100 bullets, no problem.
any way to lower these?
The issues you guys are complaining about are controlled by my NPC behaviour and spawn mod. I'll cut down on the police grenades, but melee damage I'll leave as it is. Just don't let NPCs run up to you!

If the melee damage is still giving you a hard time open spawn_info_ranks.xtbl and look for the civilian ranks, and adjust their melee damage from 1.2 to 1.0.
Sounds great, thanks! I didn't want it to sound like a complaint, merely what I thought was bug reporting. Your mod is really killer! It adds so much variety and funny moments.
Hey I think I may have noticed a slight issue with this mod, pertaining to the vampire DLC fix included; I don't have the DLC purchased on my Steam account yet I can still upgrade and use the vampire abilities as advertised. Is this a problem?
Hey I think I may have noticed a slight issue with this mod, pertaining to the vampire DLC fix included; I don't have the DLC purchased on my Steam account yet I can still upgrade and use the vampire abilities as advertised. Is this a problem?

I personally checked this myself when the fix was created and confirmed that you cannot use it if you don't own the dlc. you can upgrade it in the cell phone, but you don't get the neck bite.