Welcome to my thread about my mod in regards to unlocking temporary weapons permanently.
What exactly does this mod do?
Great question, The mod allows you to access and keep weapons you normally might not be able to.
For example, the shock hammer, its normally one time use and you can only pick it up but it doesn't save it to your inventory.
This mod will allow you to keep those weapons!
All weapons in this modification go to the following slots:
Shock Hammer - Melee
Riot Shield - Special
Brute Minigun - Special
Brute Incinerator - Special
Luchadore Grenade Launcher - Special
Gun pricing also exists now:
--Minigun == $150,000
--Grenade Launcher == $150,0000
--Shock Hammer == $75,000
--Flame Thrower == $150,000
This modification also unlocks all weapons at your friendly fire store,
so it is recommended you only use it if you have beaten the game.
Great! Show me the media!
Known bugs list:
-Display error when using Shock Hammer, says x/10 when it's really infinite.
Change log
1.2 - Update
-Fixed for latest SR3 as of 1/5/13
-Removed Riot Shield *new*
-Moved ShockHammer to melee *new*
-Moved GL to special
-Adjusted ammo pricing for perma-temp weapons
1.1 - Update
-Temp weapons now cost money to be obtained
--Minigun == $150,000
--Grenade Launcher == $150,0000
--Shock Hammer == $75,000
--Flame Thrower == $150,000
-Added custom ammunition for each weapon
-Fixed crash issues.
1.0 - Release
-Temp weapons are made perma in radial wheel menu.
-Temp weapons have unlimited ammunition.
-Temp weapons have no cost.
-Create a version that allows the weapons to become unlocked as the game progresses.
-Possibly add weapon upgrades, and further expand on the mod.
Me - This mod, adding guns to slots etc.
AxelInferno - Fixing inventory issue with slots. "<inv_slot>"
Cool, where can I download this?
Attached is a zip labeled "Perm-Temp-1.2.zip" that is the latest,
extract all files to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\saints row the third