something about SR5 which can happen

Who would you play as then? I could imagine that it wouldn't be any humans considering there were less than twenty humans at the end of SR:IV and 5000 years would indicate the clear extinction of humanity's last humans. Though I've got to wonder where Jane Valderrama, Bobby and Zack went. They apparently all lived.
Who would you play as then? I could imagine that it wouldn't be any humans considering there were less than twenty humans at the end of SR:IV and 5000 years would indicate the clear extinction of humanity's last humans. Though I've got to wonder where Jane Valderrama, Bobby and Zack went. They apparently all lived.

Less than 20 humans my ass...When Zinyak invaded Earth he claimed that only the brightest will be spared and there couldn't be only 20 humans from the whole planet.Here is my proposition:Zinyak atomized Earth because he wanted to make the Saints loose hope and surrender to the Zin empire.Also,Zinyak had some kind of sympathy towards human culture and art (literature mostly) as he had already build a "menagerie" of his favourite inteligent humans.

Without any doubt,Zinyak blew Earth up because he might had already abducted all the imporant human minds(their number should be in term of millions) and he had captured and preserved all the human tech and culture.In the simulation,we could all see human technology such as smartphones or PCs..
Saints Row V needs to be a reboot. But differently. I know, "NO REBOOT!" But hear me out. Or .. read me out. How I envision SR5 is THE Saints Row game we've all been waiting for to take the series to a new level, and to continue on that game with SR6. And I see SRV as a combination of SR1, 2 and 3. SR1 has never been on PC, so its only logical to give the PC gamers, and the new generation gamers. SR2 was one of the best, and can only be better with SR's new engine. Can you imagine how brilliant SR2 would look, how well it would play on PC with the new engine? Its like a wet dream. And SR3 was just unfinished in certain areas.

SRV. You press start game, and you immediately create your character, or download it from the SR site. The exact same cutscene from SR1 starts with the shootout between all 3 gangs. Your character is about to get shot and closes his or her eyes, then you hear a laser shot. Your character opens their eyes and see Zinyak standing there! "Look at you, groveling on the ground like that. And to think that you give me so much trouble. Ah well, let's solve that problem now then." and Zinyak actually kills your character! The next scene is in the future, with the Saints all on board a bigger, better spaceship after their fun through time, and the President (Who looks automatically a bit older) wakes up. (Since I have a female character, I'm just gonna go with she, but it can of course be a he as well) She holds her stomache where Zinyak shot her in the intro. She gets out of bed, and you take control of her, walking through the ship, but she is clearly hurt. (Tadaa, walking tutorial.) She reaches Kinzie's quarters and collapses, bleeding from the stomache. Kinzie runs to the President, but she starts to dissapear Back to the Future style. After she is completely gone, Kinzie calls the other saints and starts to work on her console. She explains that time has been altered, and the time ripple had just reached them. She reads in a news article that the President was found shot dead, related to a gang shoot out. She sends Jane Austen back through time to save the president, because without the president, Kinzie would've been killed by the Deckers, Matt Miller was still in the Syndicate, Shaundi was killed by the Brotherhood to teach Veteran Child a lesson, Pierce would be in jail but no one really gives a fuck about that, and Johnny would have been killed by the gouverment (Back when Johnny wasn't portraited as some sort of god.... They went a little over the top with that.) and Stillwater would have been a mess because Julius fucked things up good. King was killed from the coup, and of course, the planet would still be destroyed by Zinyak.

Jane appears a day before the intro's shootout and locates your character, who was just about to enter an illegal streetrace in Steelport. Jane finds the boss and explains what has happened in the way Jane Austen can tell stories, but the boss doesn't really understand it and enters the race anyway. You can walk around at that point, enjoy the scenery. A lot of pimped up cars, a lot of pretty ladies and a lot of loud music booming out of the car steroes, making it look like a Fast and Furious scene. You encounter the usual winner, who is a member of the Luchadores. He threatens the boss that he will win, or else. At this point you find out you can have more dialogue in RPG/Mass Effect style, being friendly, casual, an asshole or just walk away. You can hang around some more, chat with other characters, learn about the new good/evil meter where if you are friendly and don't kill civilians and cops, you gain good points, at which point the cops and civilians will more often help you instead of stop you and you get more money, but the gangs will hate you more. Or if you get more evil points, the civilians will call the cops and fight you, and the cops will be way more aggressive towars you, but other gangs will leave you alone faster and you get access to black market weapons and more discount in stores because they fear you. You start the race, getting driving tutorial. IF you win the race, you get a nice amount of money, but the Luchadores will be waiting for you in an empty street, shoot up your ride and you escape into a nearby building. If you loose the race, you get nothing, but the Luchadores will still wait for you, because they want your car. They shoot at you, not hitting the car this time, but because they are cautious with the shooting, you manage to escape into a nearby building. The luchadores will get in there, and there you get a short tutorial about stealth. You can now sneak, take cover and make (non) lethal silent takedowns. After that its up to you what you do. Grab the dead/unconscious Luchadore's gun and shoot your way out, like in the old SR games, or stay stealthy and sneak out? The less you kill, the quicker your good level will fill up.

Once you escape, you take a cab to Stillwater where the intro vid will start again. In the meantime you follow Jane, who sees Zinyak appear in an alley, using some device that he clearly uses to time travel. Jane quickly runs to the boss to warn her during the gang shootout. The boss sees Zinyak and believes Jane. She gets a gun from one of the fallen gang members and starts to shoot at Zinyak. Some other gangmembers are still alive, and distracted by the boss' shooting, they also start to shoot at Zinyak. But Zinyak quickly kills the other gangmembers, and that is when Jane points out to the boss that she should shoot the device. The boss does, and Zinyak curses and dissapears, back to his future. Jane explains again that in about 10 years, Zinyak will attack again and they need Johnny to get off that plane, and before Jane dissapears herself, the boss promises he/she will prepare for it somehow. Just after Jane has dissapeared, Julius and Troy show up. Thinking that the boss killed the gangmembers, the offer her a spot in the 3rd street saints.

But now you have a chance ot change the future. It can still go like the original games. YOu shoot everything, play the same, Julius will still blow you up, ending oyu in a come for 2 years and you wake up in prison. Or you can play the good person (what SRIV was clearly working towards) where Julius gains respect for you. Julius sends you to some mission, but the car is blown up by one surviving gangmember from one of the other gangs. You still land in a coma, but not in prison, but a normal hospital. There SR2 starts. WHile you were in a coma, new gangs took over and the saints were simply no match without you there. Julius had dissapeared, Johnny in jail for crimes he commited before you joined the Saints and the rest is the same.

The SR3 portion would start after you take over Ultor. Years later there is an incident where the Syndicate attacks Ultor and you retaliate by robbing their bank, knowing this time fully well who the Syndicate is. They are arrested though and taken by the Syndicate. It all pretty much goes the same way, except this time Johnny comes with them thanks to Jane's warning all those years ago and they escape. Again with a cool air shootout (Johnny saved Shaundi so you can just focus on having fun in mid air combat where you ahve more freedom to soar around and shoot) and just land wherever. Once oyu land, you get a call from Johnny to meet up with them, and from there on you can choose what to do next. Take weapons from the millitary, immediately feeding your evil meter, or take it slower and lay low, taking a more subtle approach where you start to take over the city of Steelport. the story will mostly go the same way, only with more cutscenes and explenations and gameplay, like how you escape from Powder after Shaundi got the info she needed.

There will be more streetracing. If it were up to me, a street race at every street corner like in Burnout. More oddjobs, a different way to level your character. Skill trees where you can form your perfect character. Stealth based, action based, tech based where you use devices.. You level up guns by using them, not by just paying for some upgrade. The more you use a sniper, the better you get with it. You can upgrade guns more like in SR4 in the stores. More ammo, better bullets, silencers, lasers, less recoil, faster reloading. The Hitman missions would have a giant overhaul. I would make it more open world based like, you get information about your target. Where he/she will be, where they live, work, go out, sport, and its up to you to wait somewhere, lay out a trap/scheme, make it look like an accident, suicide or just kill them. The gang hideouts have more customisation where you can really make the pad you are proud off. And of course Genki who really needs to return. :D

and then there is the Online version. :D 32 player free roam where you can choose one of the many hideouts as your own (It could change, depending on who goes in first. If its your character who opens the door, then its your custom hideout. If another player opens it, its their hideout) where you can play mini games together and such. There are several activities depending on the hood you are in. King of the hill, death match, fightclub, capture the flag, its all spread over the online free roaming map, automatically starting once you are in the right hood.

Also with co-op, the 2nd character really has a role in the game of the main player. The 2nd character shows up in cutscenes, gets their own unique dialogue you can only see in co-op and is really there, not just a copy. They see the main player in the cutscenes, and their own player providing backup. Like in the gang shootout at the intro, the co-op player is standing near that watch salesman, covering, and later when Jane is there, picking up a gun and also shooting at Zinyak, of course surviving. The co-op player is also one of the racers at the start you can talk to, having co-op conversations in game. Those sorts of thing will make this one of the better co-op games out there, and it already is a great co-op game! It would just be much better. Co-op missions will be harder, like in SR2, where at some points both players have their own objectives and have to go seperate ways.

I know, long story. But that is how I imagine the perfect Saints Row. More player choises, more customisation, more racing, more story. Of course the fun is still there with Sceptic avenger, Professor Genki, spoofs on other games/movies, the humor. But it also needs more of the drama SR2 offered with the death of Carlos and Aisha. It needs to be less over the top. SR4 was one power surge, and it was fun, but less intense.

They could keep the super powers in there in the form of a game mode, just like Zombie Uprising. Where you again get the virtual Steelport and where you can do activities there.

What do you think? Would you play that Saints Row? It's more like the original and 2, only with a far better engine. The RPG elements will give you more choise, which could be fun as you really feel you are playing your story.
Saints Row V needs to be a reboot. But differently. I know, "NO REBOOT!" But hear me out. Or .. read me out. How I envision SR5 is THE Saints Row game we've all been waiting for to take the series to a new level, and to continue on that game with SR6. And I see SRV as a combination of SR1, 2 and 3. SR1 has never been on PC, so its only logical to give the PC gamers, and the new generation gamers. SR2 was one of the best, and can only be better with SR's new engine. Can you imagine how brilliant SR2 would look, how well it would play on PC with the new engine? Its like a wet dream. And SR3 was just unfinished in certain areas.

SRV. You press start game, and you immediately create your character, or download it from the SR site. The exact same cutscene from SR1 starts with the shootout between all 3 gangs. Your character is about to get shot and closes his or her eyes, then you hear a laser shot. Your character opens their eyes and see Zinyak standing there! "Look at you, groveling on the ground like that. And to think that you give me so much trouble. Ah well, let's solve that problem now then." and Zinyak actually kills your character! The next scene is in the future, with the Saints all on board a bigger, better spaceship after their fun through time, and the President (Who looks automatically a bit older) wakes up. (Since I have a female character, I'm just gonna go with she, but it can of course be a he as well) She holds her stomache where Zinyak shot her in the intro. She gets out of bed, and you take control of her, walking through the ship, but she is clearly hurt. (Tadaa, walking tutorial.) She reaches Kinzie's quarters and collapses, bleeding from the stomache. Kinzie runs to the President, but she starts to dissapear Back to the Future style. After she is completely gone, Kinzie calls the other saints and starts to work on her console. She explains that time has been altered, and the time ripple had just reached them. She reads in a news article that the President was found shot dead, related to a gang shoot out. She sends Jane Austen back through time to save the president, because without the president, Kinzie would've been killed by the Deckers, Matt Miller was still in the Syndicate, Shaundi was killed by the Brotherhood to teach Veteran Child a lesson, Pierce would be in jail but no one really gives a fuck about that, and Johnny would have been killed by the gouverment (Back when Johnny wasn't portraited as some sort of god.... They went a little over the top with that.) and Stillwater would have been a mess because Julius fucked things up good. King was killed from the coup, and of course, the planet would still be destroyed by Zinyak.

Jane appears a day before the intro's shootout and locates your character, who was just about to enter an illegal streetrace in Steelport. Jane finds the boss and explains what has happened in the way Jane Austen can tell stories, but the boss doesn't really understand it and enters the race anyway. You can walk around at that point, enjoy the scenery. A lot of pimped up cars, a lot of pretty ladies and a lot of loud music booming out of the car steroes, making it look like a Fast and Furious scene. You encounter the usual winner, who is a member of the Luchadores. He threatens the boss that he will win, or else. At this point you find out you can have more dialogue in RPG/Mass Effect style, being friendly, casual, an asshole or just walk away. You can hang around some more, chat with other characters, learn about the new good/evil meter where if you are friendly and don't kill civilians and cops, you gain good points, at which point the cops and civilians will more often help you instead of stop you and you get more money, but the gangs will hate you more. Or if you get more evil points, the civilians will call the cops and fight you, and the cops will be way more aggressive towars you, but other gangs will leave you alone faster and you get access to black market weapons and more discount in stores because they fear you. You start the race, getting driving tutorial. IF you win the race, you get a nice amount of money, but the Luchadores will be waiting for you in an empty street, shoot up your ride and you escape into a nearby building. If you loose the race, you get nothing, but the Luchadores will still wait for you, because they want your car. They shoot at you, not hitting the car this time, but because they are cautious with the shooting, you manage to escape into a nearby building. The luchadores will get in there, and there you get a short tutorial about stealth. You can now sneak, take cover and make (non) lethal silent takedowns. After that its up to you what you do. Grab the dead/unconscious Luchadore's gun and shoot your way out, like in the old SR games, or stay stealthy and sneak out? The less you kill, the quicker your good level will fill up.

Once you escape, you take a cab to Stillwater where the intro vid will start again. In the meantime you follow Jane, who sees Zinyak appear in an alley, using some device that he clearly uses to time travel. Jane quickly runs to the boss to warn her during the gang shootout. The boss sees Zinyak and believes Jane. She gets a gun from one of the fallen gang members and starts to shoot at Zinyak. Some other gangmembers are still alive, and distracted by the boss' shooting, they also start to shoot at Zinyak. But Zinyak quickly kills the other gangmembers, and that is when Jane points out to the boss that she should shoot the device. The boss does, and Zinyak curses and dissapears, back to his future. Jane explains again that in about 10 years, Zinyak will attack again and they need Johnny to get off that plane, and before Jane dissapears herself, the boss promises he/she will prepare for it somehow. Just after Jane has dissapeared, Julius and Troy show up. Thinking that the boss killed the gangmembers, the offer her a spot in the 3rd street saints.

But now you have a chance ot change the future. It can still go like the original games. YOu shoot everything, play the same, Julius will still blow you up, ending oyu in a come for 2 years and you wake up in prison. Or you can play the good person (what SRIV was clearly working towards) where Julius gains respect for you. Julius sends you to some mission, but the car is blown up by one surviving gangmember from one of the other gangs. You still land in a coma, but not in prison, but a normal hospital. There SR2 starts. WHile you were in a coma, new gangs took over and the saints were simply no match without you there. Julius had dissapeared, Johnny in jail for crimes he commited before you joined the Saints and the rest is the same.

The SR3 portion would start after you take over Ultor. Years later there is an incident where the Syndicate attacks Ultor and you retaliate by robbing their bank, knowing this time fully well who the Syndicate is. They are arrested though and taken by the Syndicate. It all pretty much goes the same way, except this time Johnny comes with them thanks to Jane's warning all those years ago and they escape. Again with a cool air shootout (Johnny saved Shaundi so you can just focus on having fun in mid air combat where you ahve more freedom to soar around and shoot) and just land wherever. Once oyu land, you get a call from Johnny to meet up with them, and from there on you can choose what to do next. Take weapons from the millitary, immediately feeding your evil meter, or take it slower and lay low, taking a more subtle approach where you start to take over the city of Steelport. the story will mostly go the same way, only with more cutscenes and explenations and gameplay, like how you escape from Powder after Shaundi got the info she needed.

There will be more streetracing. If it were up to me, a street race at every street corner like in Burnout. More oddjobs, a different way to level your character. Skill trees where you can form your perfect character. Stealth based, action based, tech based where you use devices.. You level up guns by using them, not by just paying for some upgrade. The more you use a sniper, the better you get with it. You can upgrade guns more like in SR4 in the stores. More ammo, better bullets, silencers, lasers, less recoil, faster reloading. The Hitman missions would have a giant overhaul. I would make it more open world based like, you get information about your target. Where he/she will be, where they live, work, go out, sport, and its up to you to wait somewhere, lay out a trap/scheme, make it look like an accident, suicide or just kill them. The gang hideouts have more customisation where you can really make the pad you are proud off. And of course Genki who really needs to return. :D

and then there is the Online version. :D 32 player free roam where you can choose one of the many hideouts as your own (It could change, depending on who goes in first. If its your character who opens the door, then its your custom hideout. If another player opens it, its their hideout) where you can play mini games together and such. There are several activities depending on the hood you are in. King of the hill, death match, fightclub, capture the flag, its all spread over the online free roaming map, automatically starting once you are in the right hood.

Also with co-op, the 2nd character really has a role in the game of the main player. The 2nd character shows up in cutscenes, gets their own unique dialogue you can only see in co-op and is really there, not just a copy. They see the main player in the cutscenes, and their own player providing backup. Like in the gang shootout at the intro, the co-op player is standing near that watch salesman, covering, and later when Jane is there, picking up a gun and also shooting at Zinyak, of course surviving. The co-op player is also one of the racers at the start you can talk to, having co-op conversations in game. Those sorts of thing will make this one of the better co-op games out there, and it already is a great co-op game! It would just be much better. Co-op missions will be harder, like in SR2, where at some points both players have their own objectives and have to go seperate ways.

I know, long story. But that is how I imagine the perfect Saints Row. More player choises, more customisation, more racing, more story. Of course the fun is still there with Sceptic avenger, Professor Genki, spoofs on other games/movies, the humor. But it also needs more of the drama SR2 offered with the death of Carlos and Aisha. It needs to be less over the top. SR4 was one power surge, and it was fun, but less intense.

They could keep the super powers in there in the form of a game mode, just like Zombie Uprising. Where you again get the virtual Steelport and where you can do activities there.

What do you think? Would you play that Saints Row? It's more like the original and 2, only with a far better engine. The RPG elements will give you more choise, which could be fun as you really feel you are playing your story.

I would think merging all the ideas of SR, 1, 2 & 3 would be data consuming for one whole game to take to be honest. If you're using Steam (like how all Saints Row PC games are installed by) it would literally take forever to even finish downloading. I sort of like that idea and detest with the amount of game data. It would also make the Steam achievements feel more pointless considering how far The Third did go for PC. It does sound like a wonderful idea, but I don't think Volition would actually accept making that move, because all that creation with code and such. I was thinking of SR2 having SR3's engine at once, but that would be a lot hard work. A reboot of it would be better.

It sounds like you could actually go more out with Saints Row on a path like that, since it brings a whole new level of improvements to note well. Being able to bend time to a different perspective would be an interesting twist since you could save more people you lost tragically perhaps and maybe save your enemies too, since it would make the gameplay more intense. Though I wouldn't appreciate the reboot of The Boss' brain, since all our valiant efforts to gain 400% (SR1, 2, 3, 4) would seem like a useless gesture.

The idea of the evil meter, that wouldn't be like KOTOR would it, where people and party members reflect upon your choices would it? (Atton's comment about the Exile looking like he/she didn't sleep for days, lol.) Because that would actually be a fun idea. Kinda makes a reboot feel like a fun choice. I would actually like to have the option have have rival gang members live, since I recently got an obsession with the Deckers. (namely the Specialists and for some weird reason, the one named Kristen.)

Not really much of a street racing fan myself. I got tired of it after Saints Row 2. When Saints Row: The Third kicked in, I was actually pretty glad that it lacked that function, because I didn't feel challenged to go at a fast speed. Though car driving pissed me off in SR:IV because of how easy it was to scratch your car's paint. It made jumping around the city more preferable to riding on tires. Or a possibility to convince your targets to go into hiding could be a good idea. The benefits of helping someone out. Respect = Respect

Editable features that evoke around weapons would be an epic suggestion.

While I like the idea of online gameplay, I hear Volition has some problems with live gaming with Saints Row: The Third. (Was it IV as well?) They could barely control two players at times, but I have no doubts that online features will still remain ingame, because it's Saints Row of course.

I think SR:IV was actually pretty epic with physics really. It offered what we could've wanted in real life and stripped my happiness by making me realize that I am not a man jumping around a city full of Alien tech, but merely a man behind a computer using The Boss as a killing machine to those who are nothing more but data pieces. Just having it in game mode is unexpectable in my opinion, because it would feel like a lost adrenaline rush that you desperately want more of and a game mode would need to make you think about what the power levels of your character is. (It's not over 9000.)

I would play it, yes. Because I would give any Saints Row game a chance over a GTA anyday. My first reaction will be to get ass excieted as possible when starting the game and moving past the cutscenes, which was my reaction with the last two games to the series.
Well, okay, 3 games into 1 may be to much. But if it's the same boss that goes back in time, she would probably kill Julius right away before he can kill her. Unless they really took the sociopath out of her in SR4, which means she might just do it right this time. But that would take the player choise away even more, because the Boss then already knows everything that will happen. I was thinking more in the lines of.. er.. Like the Star Trek movies. Because something changed at the beginning, everything changed. And perhaps Jane could give the boss a recollection about everything that had happened so the boss can read it, and still knows what's up.

Another idea I had was even harder. xD

Zinyak has sent his soldiers through time. One in WW2 1943, one in 1960's, one in 2006 and one in 2155. And the boss needs to go to every time to defeat Zinyak's people and fix whatever they ahve changed. So in WW2, you fight nazi's, in 1960's you fight gangsters/mafia, in 2006 you are back during SR1 so a lot of nostalgia, and in 2155 you get in a future setting Star Wars Coruscant style.

I just don't really like that the boss became the president. It's like.. the end game. What I really would like, besides the long story I posted earlier is SR5 continueing after SR3 when they go back to Stillwater. Just normal, non supernatural Stillwater where new gangs arrive and stir shit up. Where you get a fun gangster drama again. Volition has more then enough ideas that will make SR very different from Sleeping Dogs, GTA, Watch_Dogs. for one, the awesome customisation and RPG elements like leveling up helps with that. ^^ But I wouldn't mind if Volition took a look at Watch_Dogs and get some ideas. A vast, alive city with interesting story and a fun way to run from the police going through alley's. But we'll see what SR5 will become. All I know so far is they will probably contunue with the parodies from other games/movies, you are still the president and it will all be more futuristic. The idea of a sci-fi game is appealing, but... Again, I miss the SR2 style. The sci-fi should be a spin off instead of a new SR game. Just like Enter the Dominatrix would be a stand alone add on.
In one of the missions where asha has a dream about Mr. X when the ultor masako come, your character says that everyone in the simulation have a bad dream i think

Just telling ya. I hope this picture wasnt really necessary.
Yes, but SR5 wouldn't be in simulation of course. They could still keep it so you can mess around with your super powers. Also, try not to double post. ^^
Still would be an awesome game. Being a member of stag, fighting crime in a new city. Not to be the best gang, but to keep the streets safe.